Second Chance: GOT7

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You stood there looking at the food stall that the old woman was running. Just staring at the food, your mouth began to water, and your eyes began to tear up. You remembered that you didn't have any money so you walked away from the stall.

"Hey!" a voice called out.

You turned around and saw that the old was looking at you.

"Yes?" you asked.

"Do you want to eat?" she asked you.

"I have no money" you said.

"Just sit down dear" she smiled at you.

"Okay" you nodded your head and did what you were told.

You sat down and smiled at the view. You look and saw that the old lady was coming to you with a plate of food.

"Eggs with bacon, no yolk, slightly buttered biscuit, well done sausage, and waffles" she smiled at you.

Your face was pure shock. Your eyes wide and your mouth opened. You looked up at her.

"How did you know?" you asked surprised.

"Sweety. You should really give those seven young men a second chance. I understand that they have made a mistake but that is life. Everybody is bound to make mistakes." she said.

"What are you talking about?" you asked.

"Seven young men have came here before and asked me if I have seen this girl. They held up a picture and it was you. I asked them what was wrong and then they told me." she said "I want you to fix this relationship. You don't get that much people who actually cares about you, who would give up sleep and eating to look for you. Now, when you are finished, I want you to call them up and go back to them"

You nodded your head and watched as she walked away. You began eating and as you ate, tears began to fall from your eyes. You looked at your phone and grabbed it, hesitating you do anything at the moment. You dialed Mark's number and he instantly picked up the phone.

- ________________________________?

- Mark? Can I come back home?

- Where are you?

- I'm at a food stall. I am right by the house.

- Wait there! I am on my way.

He hung up after that and you were finished with your food. You walked up to the old lady and hugged her.

"Thank you so much" you said.

"It's okay" she said.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and you looked up to see Mark. You quickly went into his embrace as you wrapped your arms aroun d his waist.

"We are so sorry we did that" he cried.

"___________________?" you heard more voices call your name.

You looked and saw that it was the other members, with tears in their eyes.

You walked up to them and they all hugged you.

"Please forgive us. We did wrong" JB said.

"Let's go home first" you said and they all nodded.

You guys bid the old lady a farewell and made your way home. That was when they began to pour their heart out for you.

"How did the old lady know how I liked my food?" you asked.


"SHIT! ______________________ is gone. We shouldn't have done that" JR said.

"You think" Yugyeom said.

They all went to different places together just to see if you have stopped by. They all said that they have never seen you in their life. It's been three days and the boys haven't slept or ate. They ended up at an old lady's food stall.

"Excuse me miss?" JB asked.

"OMO. You look so horrible" she exclaimed.

"What happened?" she asked.

"We did something very terrible" Jackson said.

"And the person we did it to left us" Mark said as he showed the old lady a picture of you.

"If you see her can you make her food please. Here's $50 please make her a meal. She eats eggs with bacon, no yolk, slightly buttered biscuit, well done sausage, and waffles" JR said to the old lady"

End of Flashback:

"I hope we can start over" BamBam said.

"And be close as ever" Youngjae said.

"We will. This is our second and last chance" you said and embraced all of them in a tight hug.

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