BooBoo: Mark (Requested)

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"Are you serious right now?" you asked as he came barging in the house and screaming at you.

"I know you've been cheating!" Mark yelled.

"With what proof do you have?" you asked raising your voice.

"All my fans said that they've seen you with Yugyeom!" he shouted.

"And you really believe them. I understand that your fans are important to you as an idol, but are you really going to take sides with them. Over your own girlfriend?" you asked in disbelief.

Mark stood there just looking at you furiously.

"Are you foreal going to stand in front of me and just tell me lies. Like who do you think I am? Stop bull shitting!" Mark screamed.

"Nobody is bull shitting!" you screamed "If you want to believe what your fans say than go ahead, just don't come back to me crying saying that I want you back"

"I don't have to crawl back to you, because I probably might have to stand in line after how many guys" he said.

Your eyes widened at what he had just indicated. You knew that he had just indirectly called you a thot.

"There is no line!" you screamed as tears fell down and you ran out the door, bumping shoulders.

You ran and ran until everything was so dull and colorless. You looked around and saw that there were a few girls standing there just talking. They looked your way and smirked.

"Aren't you Mark-oppa's girlfriend?" one asked.

"Or did he actually believe us fans that you've cheated" another smirked.

"Where is Mark?" another asked.

"Please get away" you said and they laughed.

"You caused this upon yourself for stealing Mark away from us!" they said and began beating you.

You closed your eyes and continued to absorb the strikes that caused pain to your body. You opened your mouth and tried to scream, but nothing came out. You curled yourself into a ball and they began to hit harder. You felt nothing after a few minutes and looked up to find no one there, just you and the cold air that rode past. You got up and began limping back to your house as the sun began to set. You reached your house when the stars began to glow throughout the night sky. You breathed in as the pain began to be unbearable. You opened the door to find Mark pacing back and forth in the livingroom. He turned to you and his eyes widened.

"What happened to you?" he asked as he rushed to your side.

"Nothing" you said and tried to walk but ended up falling.

Mark came to your side and carried you bridal style to the bedroom.

"I'm sorry baby. I am just worried that since you are only 3 years older than him, you would like to go to him. I may be an idol but I have my insecurities" he said.

"It's okay baby" you said.

He looked at you full of worry and concern but it turned into a smile.

"Let's play doctor" he smiled and went amd grabbed the first aid kit.

He put bandaids on all of your bruises and then kissed them. He smiled ad he finished with the last bruise.

"I have another booboo" you pouted.

"Where?" he asked full if concern.

"Right here" you daid pointing at your lips and he began to laugh.

"Okay okay" he said and pecked your lips.

He separated from you and pouted.

"What?" you asked.

"Oppa also has a booboo" he said.

"Where?" you asked.

"Right here" he said pointing at his chest where the heart is at "It feels empty."

"How am I supposed to fix that?" you asked.

"Rest your head on it" he said and nodded.

You guys entangled your hands together and laid therw as your head rested on his chest, while he played with your hair.

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