Daddy: Mark

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Because I have this ramdom ship in mind. Your mother is none other than thee BADDEST FEMALE who is known as CL. I don't know why... I ship Mark and CL kind of... Enjoy!

You were walking home from school. Nothing knew. Just you being teased for not having a dad. You were used to it. You opened the door to your home.

"Mom, I'm home!" you shouted.

"Hey baby" she said with a warm smile on her face.

"Mom? What's wrong?" you asked curiously.

"Ummmm. There is someone I want you to meet" she said.

"Okay" you said and followed her.

You entered the living room and saw a guy. Tall, handsome, slightly built, amd with red hair.

"Ummmm. Mom who is the red head?" you asked your mom.

She turned to you, tears streaming down her face.

"Sweetie... This is your father" she said.

You couldn't believe your ears. So you just nodded and went upstairs and locked yourself in your room. You heard knocking but you didn't answer.

"CL. You have a paper clip" you heard the guy that was labeled as your father ask your mom.

"Yeah. Here" she said.

Your door knob jiggled a few times and then the door was unlocked. You turned your body so your back was faced towards the door.

"C-Can I talk with you?" a deep voice was heard.

"You're talking aren't you?" you asked.

(Shit if that was me... R.I.P. to me!)

(Well... We are two different people.)

(True. But you should give your dad-)

(He's not my dad!)

( God damn! Calm your balls and just hear him out)

"Look... I am very sorry for not being here with you and your mom. I am sorry for not watching my only child grow. Please forgive me" he said.

"What's your name?" you asked with a smile.

"Mark" he smiled.

Your face turned hard and you said: "Mark. You wasted about two minutes of my life trying to apologise for being a horrible father. And you think that I'll forgive you. Hell no!" you said and ran out of your room and out of the house.

You ran to the club that you always go to. You turned the corner and saw three drunks. They approached you and began giggling.

"Excuse me sir but shouldn't you be at home studying for your exams?" they laughed.

One of them put your hands on you, but you pushed it away.

"Oh... Feisty!" he said and began hitting you.

You tried running but you were grabbed and thrown to the wall. You fell to the floor and felt your body absorb their kicks. You cuddled into a small ball as the kicks began to be more hard. A few minutes after, you didn't feel any kicks but you heard grunts and people falling on the floor. A hand was now on your shoulder.

"____________?" the voice said.

"Dad!" you cried and engulfed Mark in a hug.

"Are you hurt? Look at you. Your bleeding" he said scanning your face.

"It's okay Dad" you smiled now "Thank you"

You engulfed him in another hug and just stayed in that position.

"Can you stand?" he asked.

"I think" you said as you began to get up.

"I love you son" Mark said as he put his arm around your shoulder.

"Love you to Dad!" you smiled and walked with him to his car.

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