If You Do: Mark

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Yes yes I know... I'm hella late with these... But oh well Tinkerbell!

You rushed past him as he continued to bang on your door. So when you opened it, you rushed past him and into the hallway. You ran and he ran after you. Your wrist was encircled and you were thrown to the wall.

"I know you've been cheating on me!" he screamed in yiur face.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" you said

"You do know! Or should I give yoi a hint?" he said angrily.

"What are you talking about!" you screamed.

"I know you've been fucking Jackson ___________!" he said.

You knew he was mad. Because he called you by your name, not his nicknames he gave you.

"Why would you expect me to cheat on you with your best friend?" you screamed trying to leave the hallway.

"Because that's what sluts do. They sleep with their boyfriend's friend." he said.

Your eyes widened at what he had just said. You knew that he had just indirectly called you a slut.

"I'm going to sleep!" you said

So you pushed him away and ran back into your apartment. Days past and you never saw a glimpse of Mark. You were on your way to the super market to buy more food for the house when you bumped into Mark in the hallway.

"Baby... Please forgive me" he said on the verge of tears.

"Why would you think that in the first place?" you asked about to cry as well.

"I don't know. You're just so clingy with him, it made me mad" he confessed.

"I forgive you oppa," you said.

He looked at you and slapped the living day lights out of you...

Just kidding!

He looked at you shocked. He thought that he had messed up big time and it would take you ages to forgive him. Like the last time you guys had an argument. You didn't forgive him or even talk tk him for about two months.

"Really?" he asked.

You nodded your head and he engulfed you in a tight hug while carressing your cheeks.

Not really going by the story line but I tried so yeah...

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