Mate: JB (Requested)

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Well, it was a full moon. Which means that the werewolves are feeding. Feeding on you, vampires. Or, a few of you will find your mates. It's a ritual. All vampires are required to walk around at night for at least a few hours. And if you are caught and die. You die. You do not get reincarnated or nothing. Well, you started your time and you were cautiously walking with your guard up. You heard a bush rustle and you turned around, a snarl escaping your throat. However, you let your guard down when a brown furry bunny hopped into view.

"Food" you said and rushed and grabbed it and sank your fangs into it.

You closed your eyes sank your fangs deeper and deeper into the rabbit's limp body. You threw the poor critter's body and turned around to be face to face with a greyish furred werewolf. You gasped and jumped back a few feet, as it snarled at you. You turned around about to run to have a brown furred werewolf at your face, its teeth barring at you.

"Easy puppy" you said it growled at you "Woah easy doggie?"

You stepped back and turned to see that grey dog in back of you. They lunged for you, but you were quick enough to jump  high enough to miss them. You were on the tree branch. The two wolves were jumping, trying to get to you. Each jump they would jump higher and higher. Then there was another wolf. This time it had black fur. He jumped higher than the other two, almost getting you. You looked down in fear as you were trying to see how high they were jumping, but the moment you accidentally made eye contact, your head began to hurt. Simultaneously, the black furred wolf began to cry in pain. The other two wolves went to go check up on him. You then felt your eyes change colors and your senses become sharp. Your head began to hurt even more. You fell off of the tree and the wolves turned around to you. But they didn't come and attack you. Instead, they bowed their giant heads and left. You continued to roll in the dirt as you grabbed your head in pain, screaming. Then, there was a human being right by you. His large arms, encircled you into a tight hug. And you felt his teeth enter your neck. Surprisingly, you didn't cry out of pain. Instead, the pain had died down and you were now just breathing hella hard.

"Are you okay?" a male's voice asked and you knew what that meant.

"Yes. Thanks to you" you said.

"I'm Im Jaebum, the alpha of the Seoul pack" he extended his arm out.

"I'm ___________________. The princess of the Vamps in Seoul" you said shaking his arm.

"Well... We're mates" he said and your eyes widened.

"R-Really?" you asked shocked "Me, a vampire, with a werewolf?"

"Yeah... It's the rare mix but we end up coming out to the strongest ones" he said.

You guys stood there silently. Nothing was said, just you guys were both trying to make eye contact.

"You know... My body is aching really bad from the mating" Jaebum said.

"Omo. I'm sorry. Why didn't you say anything?" you asked as you grabbed him and licked his neck and punctured it with your fangs.

"That feels so good" he moaned "Now... We are tied down together"

You laughed at his words and couldn't help but notice that God was on your side tonight, blessing you with a fine ass mate.


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