I'm The Father (Part 2): Mark

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After practically running away from Mark and his now child that popped out of nowhere, you locked the doors to your apartment and called your friend.

- Hello? ________?

- Ummmm. Jennie? Can I sleep over at your place please?

- _________ why what happened?

- Did you know that he had a kid?

- He has a what now?!

- He has a kid...

- How old does the baby look?

- Probably a year or two...

- So you think that he cheated on you?

- Well, we've been going out for more than three years and some random ass girl comes up and says that it's his kid. So yeah.

- Alright girl. Make sure to come safely.

- Thanks girl.

You got your things ready and opened the door, only to see Mark and the baby in his arms. You quickly shut the door.

"Babe. Please let me explain!" he knocked on your door "Please babe."

You slowly opened the door and glared at him.

"What do you want?" you asked harshly.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

You decided to let him in since the baby was crying and it was cold.

"Baby I'm sorry please let me.explain" he started.

"I don't want to hear it" you said and turned around.

"Please babe!" he said as he reached out for your shoulders "He doesn't have any other family besides me"

"Go take him to that side bitch of yours" you said shaking out of his hold.

"Please" he said and you turned around.

Your eyes didn't meet Mark's but the baby's eyes. His light brown eyes just staring at you. You smiled and so did the baby.

"Ma" he said and reached out to you.

"No. Me not your Mommy" you said to the baby.

"Ma!" the baby cried louder.

"No" you said again.

"MA!~" the baby cried.

You took the baby from Mark's hold, and he immediately became quite.

"Hello little one" you said cradling him in your arms.

He began laughing as you played with his nose.

"Ummm! I'm still here" you heard.

"You kniw your Daddy is a sick bastard" you said and the baby began to laugh "Awww. You do?"

"Hey" he said behind you.

You walked to the living-room and sat on the couch.

"Because of my love for the baby, I'll take you back" you said as you kissed the baby.

"Yes!" he shouted and began to jump up and down.

"What is your name baby?" you asked.

"Ma" he said.

"No. That's my name. I'll call you... John." you said.

"Babe" he said.

"Shut it peasant" you said.

"B-Babe. Can you pay attention to me?" he pouted.

"Nope" you said popping the 'p'.

"But I'm his father, and I deserve the mother's attention as well" he pouted while jumping the couch.

"Well the bitch is somewhere. I'm not the mother" you pointed out and began to play with John as Mark began to whine to you.


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