Second Mom: JR

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You sneezed here coughed there. It was too cold and you were burning hot with a fever. You were trying to go to the mall with your boyfriend and his group but he opted out because you were sick. He forced you to stay in bed and lay there with the mountain layers if blankets.

"I'll be back. I'm going to the store to buy more medicine because someone decided to try and overdose and chug the coughing medicine" he said while eying you.

"I thought it will make me better faster" you retorted.

"The only thing that will be working fast is your life span decreasing. Now stay in bed" he commanded and left.

"YAH!" you shouted.

Minutes passed which turned into an hour. Your stomach wouldn't shut the hell up so you decided to make yourself some food. You crawled out of the mountain of blankets and stumbled to the kitchen. You made your way there and you made soup. As you were sipping your soup, the doot was open and closed.

"What did I tell you?" the voice scolded you from behind.

"I was hungry and you took too long!" you said.

"But your sickness may get worse!" ge scolded you with a worried tone.

"It's okay. I am still- ACHOO!" you sneezed.

"March your little butt to your bed missy!" he laughed as he did the same.

"Okay mom" you retorted.

Sorry if it's bad but... I'm in a hurry to go to sleep for class tomorrow. Love you guys. Thank you guys. I really do appreciate it a lot. Gomawo! Annyeong!

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