Good Morning: Mark (Requested)

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"Hyung! Ireonah!" you said as you shook him to get up.

"Hmmmm" he said.

"Mark babe. Wake up!" you said shaking him harder.

"Five more minutes" he groaned.

"You said that every five minutes for the past hour" you said rolling your eyes.


"If you don't wanna get up. Than I'm not going to give you your birthday present" you said.

"That's fine because we'll always have sex" he repsonded with his morning voice.

"Than I'm going to Jackson" you said.

"Wouldn't last. He's too noisy for you" he said.

"Than I'm going to Jaebum"

"You know Jaebum is on a date with Youngjae and he doesn't like to get bothered" Mark said.

"Than I am going to Jinyoung" you said.

"He's on vacation" Mark said.

"BamBam?" you said in a questioning manner.

"Him and Yugyeim are on a date" Mark said.

"Than if you don't wanna get out, than... Than I'm not gonna have sex with you" you said.

"You're bottom. Remember that" he smirked.

"Please babe. Get up" you begged.

"No" he said and closed his eyes.

You sighed in defeat.

"Fine. Let's see who will get their good morning and birthday kisses" you said aloud as you were getting off the bed.

But your body was yanked and you were on the bed with Mark on top of you.

"I'm up. Good morning babe" he said with his killer smile and morning voice that was both husky and deep.

"Now you're up? Sorry but-" you started.

"Just shut up and kiss me babe" he said.

"No. Times up buddy" you said teasingly as your face was inches away from him.

Mark brought his face to yours and connected his lips with yours and you began to respond to the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around your body. He separated from you.

"Happy birthday babe" you said.

"Thanks. This will end out to be a good day since it started off as a good morning" he smiled.

"Yeah for you. I nearly stuggled to wake you" you said.

"And now I'm up" he smiled and ruffled his morning hair.

"What do you wanna do?" you asked.

"For now? Cuddle" he said and wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you down with his body "But for later on, probably go out on a date. Who knows. Surprise me"


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