Forgive Me: Mark

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"What do you mean shut the fuck up!" you shouted.

"Exactly how it sounds!" he shouted.

"Excuse me! But I'm sorry for being worried about my husband who constantly comes home late smelling like alcohol!" you shouted.

Within a blink of an eye, he rushed to you.

"I said shut the fuck up whore!" he yelled and then you felt a sharp pain across your cheek.

You didn't know what had happened until you realized that you were on the ground, looking up at the ceiling.

"Did he just slap me?" you whispered.

You looked at him and he looked angry.

"When I tell you to shut it, your little slave self will shut your mouth! Ok!" he shouted as he kicked you.

You slowly got up and ran to your room, locking the door. You grabber your suitcase and threw all your belongings in. Ignoring the knocking, you finished packing and opened the door. You looked at him as hr stumbled towards you. When he tried to walk to you but failed to do so, because he fell, you grabbed your suitcase and threw it in the car. You went into the room that Mark passed out in and placed the ring on his finger. You went to go grab your son's belongings and grabbed him and then you left. As you were driving, you called your older brother JB.


-JB? Can I sleepover there at the dorm?

-What? What about Mark.

-He hit me

-Sure... Are you okay?

-Yeah. Just a few bruises here and there...

-Do they hurt a lot.

-My stomach hurts because he kicked me quite hard. Okay, I'll see you later. Bye oppa.

-Yea. See ya.

You hung up and went straight to their dorm. You arrived and grabbed all of you and your son's belongings as he walked to ring the doorbell.

"Uncle Jackson!" your son screamed.

"Lil Jack!" Jackson shouted.

"Hi Uncle Yugyeom and Uncle BamBam and Uncle Youngjae and Uncle JR and Uncle JB!" he shouted "Daddy and Mommy fought, and then he hit her a lot a lot a lot a lot of times."

"Jackson!" you shouted as your son relayed what happened.

The boys grabbed the luggages and carried it to Mark's old room. The moment, you hopped on the bed, you dozed off.

Next morning, you awoke from people shouting.

"YAH! GET OFF IF HIM JB!" you heard Yugyeom shout.

"JB... Get off. He is not worth it!" JR yelled.

You walked out of the hallway and into view.

"CAN YA SHUT THE FUCK UP! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" you laughed but stopped when you saw JB on Mark.

Mark looked at you with eyes pleading you to help him.

"Where's Jackson?" you asked.

"Right here Mommy!" your son yelled.

"Baby. Go pack your stuff. We are leaving." you said and walked to kitchen.

You grabbed an apple and began eating as you walked back to the room. You saw Mark throw JB off of himself and he ran towards you. He backhugged you tightly.

"Please don't leave me. I am sorry. Please forgive me." he whispered.

You freed yourself and grabbed your bags. You went to the livingroom was to find your son with his belongings.

"Jack-Jack... Come to Daddy?" Mark asked.

"Come on baby" you said.

"Okay Mommy" your son shouted as he followed you.

You went to the car where the others were.

"Goodbye Uncle Yugyeom and Uncle Youngjae and Uncle JR and Uncle BamBam and Uncle Jackson and Uncle JB!" your son shouted.

"Goodbye kiddo! Tell Nana and Papa I said hi. Okay?" JB said.

"Okay. I can't wait to see Nana and Papa!" your son screamed.

You smiled at his hyperness and buckled him in hus seat. You were walking to the driver seat when you heard your name being called. Mark came running to you. When he got to you, he engulfed you in a hug.

"Please don't go. Please forgive me" he begged.

"Mark... I already forgave you" you said.

"Really? So you'll come back to me?" he asked with a bit of hope.

"No. This is goodbye Mark." you said as you hopped into the car.

You looked at him and saw him crying. You began driving, but you went back to him.

"Mark?" you said.

"Yeah" he sniffed as he tried to make his voice stable.

"Fill this out and give it to me by the end of next week!" you said as you handed him the paperwork for the divorce "Goodbye Mark"

And with that, you drove iff, leaving Mark in the dust.

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