Roommate (Part 3): Jackson (Requested)

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Sorry... Still sick.

Weeks have passed and you and Jackson have gotten closer. Closer to the point that you may have a little tiny crush on him... But not as close as you and Mark's relationship have developed. You were talking to Jackson and Mark, as they were teaching you how to do marital arts tricking. Mark would do it and Jackson would do it and then you would do it.

"Oppa... How did you start off" you asked.

"You bend both knees and than you jump off from the ground, but you have to flip while you're jumping" Mark said.

"Okay" you said and you tried but failed miserably, as you fell on your ass.

"Alana, listen to me. When you bend your knees, and get ready to jump, you then flip" Mark said.

"Kay oppa" you said as you tried again, and successfully landed it.

All three of you guys group hugged as you landed it so perfectly.

"I want to learn how to do the slow cartwheel" you said with glee.

"So do you know how to do a cartwheel?" Mark asked and you nodded your head with excitement.


"Well all you have to do is do it... Slowly" Mark said and your excitement just shattered like glass, your smiled disappeared.

"That's it?" you asked.

"Mhm" Mark said proudly.

You tried it, but failed so you just did your cartwheel, you did a flip in mid air.

"JACKSON!" a voice screeched aloud.

You felt a body hit your body as you were still in midair and it made you lose control of the flip, that you landed on your side.

"OH MY GOD! ALANA!" Jackson shrieked.

"She's okay. She didn't fall that hard" Nana scoffed as she pulled on Jackson's arm.

"Alana. Are you okay?" Mark asked.

"I don't know" you said "Please don't tell Bo-"

"What the hell happened?" Bommie's voice echoed throughout the back yard.

"She flipped and fell. She's okay" Nana said.

"She better be. We are having a comeback this summer and we have to teach these damn rookies how to become legends like us 2NE1 girls" Bommie said and went inside.

"Are you okay?" Jackson asked.

"Jackson! Calm down. She's fine. Right Aladin?" Nana said.

"First of all... The name is Alana, not Aladin. Second, I would have been okay, if you weren't too stupid to not see where you were going" you bit back..

"I'll get an ice pack, Jackson, carry her to our room" Mark demanded.

Jackson scooped you up from the ground and walked you to their room, your face reddening and burning as you took in his aroma.

"She can walk" Nana scoffed as they made their way into Mark and Jackson's room, while he placed you on his bed.

Your face was bright pink, from being too close to him, and being able to smell his manly aroma.

"What's taking Mark so long?" Jackson said and walked out of the room.

The moment, the door closed, Nana glared daggers at you.

"Get up. I know you can stand up." she said.

"I don't know if I can unnie" you said.

"Don't unnie me. We aren't even close" she said as she yanked you up, causing you to fall from being unbalanced, and you falling on top of her.

"Get off of me!" she shrieked.

"I can't!" you screamed.

She smirked, messed up her hair, and acted as if she was hurt. Just at the right timing, the door opened revealing...

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