Taking A Shot: BamBam

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You and your boyfriend just got through having a nice date. Nothing new except for him being so nervous because he finally asked you to marry him. You guys just finished your dinner at a five-star restaurant and that was when he proposed to you. After you guys finished your dinner, you guys went for a walk around the park where you guys first met.

"When I first met you, I told myself that I had to make you mine. And I did!" he confessed.

"Yeah. After all those stalking incidents, those never-ending love letters, the walk home, and the gifts that were always at my front door step." you laughed.

"But you loved them... Right" he questioned.

"Yeah... And then is just got annoying!" you joked and he became silent and began pouting.

"Oh" was all he said.

"I was just messing with you, you big baby!" you laughed.

"And I am your big baby" he smiled.

"Yes you are" you said as you rolled your eyes.

He entangled your fingers with his and began walking. You would usually lean your head on his shoulders because you thought that you've been seeing things. In particular, a red dot.

"Are you tired?" he asked.

"Kind of" you said.

"Okay let's go home" he said.

As he turned around, the red dot was aiming at his back, so you rushed in back if him and hugged him. And then it hit you. You gasped for air as the sound of a gun boomed through the area.

"___________? Are you okay?" BamBam asked as he heard you gasp for air.

He turned around and hugged you. He removed his hand and saw blood. His eyes grew big as you fell on hus chest. He fell to the ground as he began crying for your condition.

"Stay with me baby!" he commanded.

"BamBam... If I don't-" you started.

"Don't talk like that! You will make it!" he yelled at you "Help! Somebody call the ambulance. Somebody call 911!"

He put pressure on your wound and cradled you back and forth.

"Why? Why did you take the shot if itbwas meant for me?" he yelled.

"Because I love you" you said weakly "And I still will love you even when I-"

"You will not die! My ___________ is strong. She will not die! Baby. You will not die! You are strong and you will live!" he shouted.

"Just remember that I was very excited for our wedding and our honeymoon and us having four-" you began but stopped as your eyes closed and you took your last breath.

"No! Baby! NO!" BamBam cried as your lifeless body laid on his lap, your ring covered in your blood.

Enjoy. I hope that you guys liked this one. Good night my fellow IGOT7s!

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