Reunited: GOT7

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You were now staying in Korea for good. You were now working under your uncle at JYP Entertainment. Your uncle being the CEO of it. Yes as in JYP himself is your uncle. You were dragged by him and into the building.

"Wah! My niece has gotten pretty the past ten years!" he said.

"Damn. You make it seem like I was never pretty!" you joked and he pushed your head down.

"Come on. I told the boys that I had a surprise for them! But my surprise is moving awfully slow!" he said.

"I can move slower" you said raising a brow.

"I can move your job" he smirked.

"And I can move back home" you smirked knowing that you won the argument because his face chamged instantly.

"I'll raise your pay just stay" he insisted.

"Fine by me" you said and walked.

You guys approached the door that had a sign that said "GOT7". You stopped and waited.

"What happened dear?" he asked.

"Do you think they'll remember me. Or better yet forgive me for leaving them without telling them" you asked a bit nervous.

"I already told them that it was my fault" he said smiling.

"It was your fault. And you have the audacity to smile!" you laughed.

"I didn't know that you were going to overwork yourself since you had two jobs and school" he said innocently.

"Yeah... But it should have been common sense" you said shaking your head.

You knocked on the door and the door opened.

"Can I help you?" JB asked as he eyed you weirdly.

"Yes you can" your uncle said.

"Oh! Sa jang! Annyeonghaseo!" JB said and the others came in as well and said their hellos. Your uncle walked in and you walked in after him. You looked at the now mature men as they stared at you.

"Hi" you shyly said and they said hi to you too.

"Whats your name?" Mark asked you.

"Do you guys know who this is?" JYP asked.

"Our new manager" BamBam said with a duh tone.

"Correct but..." JYP said.

"But what?" they said.

"You seriously don't know who she is?" JYP asked.

"Wait... It can't be" Yugyeom said shocked and about to cry.

"What?" the others said at once.

"_________________!" Youngjae shouted and ran up and hug you.

"__________________? Where?" they all said.

"This is _______________!" Youngjae said.

"Noona!" they all shouted and group hug you, tears streamed down there faces.

"We've missed you so much noona!" Mark cried as their hug tightened.

"We thought that we would never see you again!" Jackson sniffled.

"We heard what happened and postponed out comeback because we thought that you would comeback sooner" Yugyeom said in tears.

"We even skipped meals because we missed eating with you!" JR said as tears streamed down his face.

"We even dedicated a song to you because we thought that you were never coming back!" JB said as he wipes his tears away.

"We thought you hated us. That's why you left!" Youngjae said as his hug tightened.

"I would never hate you guys. You guys are my life. My everything!" you said in tears now.

"We thought that we would never meet again and see you!" BamBam cried.

"We will always see each other!" you said petting all their heads.

Everybody was still crying and sniffling. You hugged all of them.

"On the bright side... I'm staying for good!" you said.

"Really noona!" Mark looked at you with puffy eyes.

"Mhm" you smiled "We are finally reunited together and this time for good!"

You said and they all hugged you tighter.

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