Trying To Explain (Part 2): BamBam

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So here is Part 2 of Trying To Explain. Hope you guys enjoy.

It's been days. And days turned into weeks. And weeks turned into months. It's been about three months and you still never talked to BamBam. You were relieved that he broke up with his girlfriend because she cheated on him. But you still didn't want to talk to him. Everywhere he was, you would literally turn the oppisite direction. It even went to the point where you decided to switch classes.

(But that didn't work...)

(No it did not)

(Would you like to tell them why?)


Well... The day you switched your classes, a day after, BamBam came as the new student. It was one of those boring days so the moment the bell rang, you left. You ran because your name was being shouted.

"___________! Please wait!" he shouted.

Your wrist was encircled and you waa forced to turn around. In a flash, your palm connected with his face and he fell.

"Why won't you let me explain my feelings? I thought you said you liked me-"

"I used to like you. Past tense dude." you said and began walking away from him.

You were on your way home. You heard the double doors crash open and heard your name being called. You began speed walking as the voice was getting closer. Without looking, you crossed the street but heard a car's horn beep. You stood there frozen as the car approached.


(Oh right!)

You moved out of the way on time but tires screeched and the car pressed on its brakes pretty hard.

"Excuse me sir?" a voice called in a worried tone.

You turned around and saw the car. But under the front of the car, lied BamBam. Blood spilling from his head, as he laid there lifelessly.

"Oppa!" you shouted and ran to him.

You hugged him as close as you could. You heard the sirens approach you guys.

"Oppa don't leave me just yet! Okay. I want you to hear me explain to you that I want to be more than hust friends. Don't go BamBam!" you shouted.

"____________" BamBam said in a weak voice "I was trying to explain to you that I have always loved you and I always will. But if I don't-"

"You better not talk such nonsense. You will make it." you cried as you saw him close hia eyes.

Weeks Later:

"BamBam... I am so sorry for doing this to you." you cried as you stared.

You heard nothing and sighed.

"Just wake up already because I want to love you for eternity" you cried.

You placed your face on your hands.

"Than I'll love you to eternity as well" a voice said.

You jerked your head up and saw BamBam looking at your eyes. You began crying as you engulfed him in a hug.

"Oppa!" you cried.

"_____________. Will you be girlfriend?" he asked as he stroked your tears.

"Ne oppa. Oppa saranghae!" you cried.

"Nado saraghae jagi," he said as he leaned in and kissed you passionately.

I hope you guys enjoyed Part 2 of "Trying To Explain". I pulled an all-nighter because 1. I kind of just woke up and 2. I am so bored. Anyways, have a great day you guys!

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