Boy To Man (Requested): BamBam

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NOTE: So the requester wanted him to be more mature and less clingy. And I have been thinking about this one for quite some time because I was confused. And so, I decided that this one will have a smut in it because she wants BamBam to be more mature.

You were at your boyfriend's house. You were thinking that he has changed a lot. You could point not pin point what has changed but you were sure for a fact that this BamBam today was not the BamBam you knew of. Hes more... Mature? He was sitting across from you and you looked at him.

"Are you okay?" you asked him.

He just smirked at you and nodded. You guys were all eating dinner and when you guys finished you guys finished, you guys went to watch TV.

"Let's make Bammie jealous," Jackson whispered at you.

"What? No way. I'm too tired!" you said pushing his head down.

Jackson kept whispering into your ear and you kept hitting his face.

Jackson face kept coming closer and closer to your face. And all you did was push it back. Jackson came closer this times, just a couple of inches away from your face. He smirked at you but his face was connected with a face. You looked to see that BamBam had punched Jackson and everybody was pushing him away from Jackson.

"Get the fuck away from my girlfriend you idiot. She's mine!" BamBam yelled and dragged you to the his room.

"Why did you punch him?" you asked a bit loud that it could be mistaken for yelling.

"He was about to kiss you!" he shouted back.

"No he wasn't," you said and he ruffled his hair.

You finally realized that BamBam wasn't that little boy that you had a crush on. He was now a man.

"And you let him be that close to you," he said.

"He wanted to make you jealous!" you said and he looked at you as if you were a piece of meat.

"Trust me. I was jealous," he smirked and pushed your back on the bed.

He got on top of you and began kissing you roughly. You deepened the kiss by pulling him in by his neck. You moaned during the kiss and he smiled. He ripped off your clothes and he did the same to his. He unbuckled your strap and threw it somewhere. He began massaging and sucking your boobs as he began fingering you. You arched your back in please as he pleasured you. You pushed him off and ripped off his boxer.


You stoked his dick and put his full length in your mouth while playing with his balls. You then began playing with him by going slowly and just licking the slit.

"Stop it. Stop teasing me!" he said through gritted teeth.

You continued to suck him until you felt his dick twitch and that was when you stopped. He looked at you and gave you a death glare. You smiled as you played with his six packs. While you were smiling your ass off, BamBam took that as an opportunity. He pushed you back and got on top of you smirking while your eyes were wide.

"B-B-BamBam," you said surprised.

"What?" he asked in a teasing voice as he kept poking his dick at your entrance and began rubbing it against it.

"Stop teasing me!" you shouted.

"Yeah. Now you know how I felt," he said and he plunged himself into you.

"Holy fuck! Why are you so big!" you said and he smirked and began thrusting into you.

All that was heard was moaning of names and skin slapping to each other.

"Hey BamBa- HOLY FUCK! NEXT TIME LOCK YOUR DOOR!" Jackson screamed as he closed the door "NOW I AM SCARRED FOR LIFE."

You began laughing until you felt your stomach turn.

"I'm coming!" you moaned "Ngh!"

"Come for me baby!" he demanded and you did.

You threw your head back as your orgasm hit you with full force and BamBam hitting with his orgasm after a few more thrust.

"FUCK!" he came into you and laid by you.

"Aww. My baby is now a man!" you giggled and he looked at you and hugged you.

"Why did you say that?" he asked.

"Because I know that we didn't use protection and I have a very high chance of becoming pregnant which means that you will be the father." you said "Now let's go see what Jackson wanted before we scarred him.

I hope you enjoyed it. I didn't really get your thing but I tried my best.

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