Roommate (Part 6): Jackson (Requested)

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"But I don't even know if-" you said catching both of their attentions.

"You don't know if what?" Jackson asked worried.

"I don't even know if Nana would be okay with me liking you back!" you smiled and he sighed in relief.

"Who gives a fuck!" Mark said.

"It'll just be me and you" Jackson smiled and hugged you.

"Mark-oppa I'm sorry for turning you-" you started.

"It's okay Alana, I'm pretty sure my fiance is probably gonna kill me when I get home, for confessing to you" Mark smiled "I only did it to get Jackson to get you instead of Nana"

"Fiance?" you and Jackson questioned together.

"Did I just say that?" Mark's eyes widened and turned to the producers "Can we edit that part out please?"

"One. We are talking Mr. Tuan, about soon-to-be Mrs. Tuan. And two, Alana, I am so sorry for acting the way I did. For hurting you and what not. It all stemmed out of jealousy when I heard Mark confess to you. Please forgive me and be my girlfriend" he said.

"Only if I can be in the conversation about Mrs. Tuan" you said.

"Deal" he quickly said.

"Let's go, let me go check on Bommie"you said.

You, Jackson, and Mark all exited the room.

"JACKSON!" Nana shouted and ran towards him.

"Not stop. You're going to make my girlfriend jealous!" Jackson slyly said.

"Says the one that attacked out of jealousy" you whispered o yourself"

"G-Girlfriend?" she said.

"Yes. Girlfriend. One that you adore with all your heart, and want to cherish, and then get married-" Mark started.

"That's at your level" you said in a cough, resulting in him pushing your head down.

"N-No. This is all a prank" Nana said.

"You want proof?" Jackson asked while he smirked.

"Yes!" she said.

Jackson, twirled your around, dipped you, and kissed you.

"YAH!" a voice shrieked.

Because of being frightened, Jackson accidently let you go, making you fall.

"Oop. Sorry babe?" he said as he helped you up.

"Jesus. You steal my first kiss and then you drop me" you laughed.

"Care to explain to me this thing!" Bom screamed while pointing at you and Jackson's hands that were clasped together.

"I love him and he loves me" you said.

"Alana! Because of your carelessness and stubbornness... You make me very very disappointed and angry at you!" Bom shouted.

"What why? You are the one that says to find a boyfriend, but when I find one, you scream at me!" you screamed back.

"Because it wasn't supposed to be with Jackson!" Bom shouted.

"Why not!" you screamed.

"Because me and the others better and they both said Jackson, but I said Mark. Now I owe both of them $500 each, dinner, and day where I have to go around in the stitch head!" Bom shouted.

"She can't go out with Mark anyways. Mark is-" Jackson start you socked his lower region.

"Sorry, but yeah!" you said.

"Jackson, you better take care of her. You hurt her, you can take the beating again" Bom said.

"I won't hurt her. I-I d-d-don't w-want to g-go through hell again" Jackson said while he was grasping his lower and trying to catch his breath.

"Since you guys are a couple, you guys have won the trip to Samoa. You guys are able to go to the Turtle Sanctuary and swim with turtles, and experience the nice beautiful island of Samoa. Both of them though. Both Western and American Samoa" the producer said.

"WAH! Swim with turtles" you said.

"Yup, and you can take one person each!" he said as he left and you and Jackson looked at each other and nodded.

"Mark let's go?" Jackson asked.

"Huh?" he asked surprised.

"Let's go to the islands of Samoa!" Jackson said.

"N-No" he said.

Jackson and you pulled him into the room.

"Come on. We wanna meet soon-to-be Mrs. Tuan" you said.

"No" he said.

"We will go and tell everybody. Maybe even sajang-nim and the other GOT7 members. Or how about we call them right now/" Jackson said.

"Okay fine! But do not open your mouth" Mark said and left out the room.

"So does make us roommates. do we get to share a room?" Jackson asked the producers, which caused them to laughed.

"No! You pervert!" you hit his chest, which made them laugh harder.

"We're gonna share a room anyways in Samoa! Might as well practice. You know what they say 'Practice Makes Perfect" he said wiggling his eyebrows with a smirk on his face.

"BUNGTAE!" you shouted, pushing him on the bed, and running to your room to sleep.

"I didn't even get a good night kiss" he pouted.

"On the bright side, you and her do get to share a room" the producer said.

Really?" he jumped up from the bed.

"Yup" they said.

"Okay" he shouted and went to bed, smiling knowing that you and him would be sharing a room "I love you. My Alana. Good night my love, my soon-to-be roommate"

And with that, he feel asleep, with a smile spread across his face.



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