Expecting Again: JB

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"What? I don't want to marry an asshole mom!" you shouted.

"______________________________!" your mom said your full name, "Where have your manners gone?"

"They went down the drain when you told me that I had to marry this douche bag!" you said.

"Why don't you want to marry Jaebum?" his mom asked.

"B-Because he bullies me. He makes everybody against me," you said in tears now and she gasped.

"Is this true?" she turned towards JB and sat there quietly as he nodded his head.

"Well, the marriage will be next week Saturday." your mom said as she stood up and smiled at the Im family.

Wedding Day:

"Do you Im Jaebum, take ______________________ as your lawfully wedded wife?" the priest asked.

"Y-Yes," JB said as he looked down.

"And do you _____________________ take Im Jaebum as your lawfully wedded husband?" he asked you now.

"Yes" you said.

"You may now kiss the bride!" the priest exclaimed and you guys hesitantly kissed and everybody cheered.

After everything was over, you guys moved to the house that both of your parents bought you guys to share. And he never talked to you since. One night, he came home drunk and asked if he was okay. He slapped you , dragged you into the bedroom that was one the second floor by your hair, had forced sex on you. And all you could do was try to push him off and cry. Well after he had raped you, you laid there in a ball at the corner of the room as he snored loudly. Days have passed and the same thing happened. He would come home angry and would take it out on you.

"Are you okay yeobeo?" you asked he slapped.

"I'm not your yeobeo," he said and went to the room.

Well, the past few days, you have been eating more. And more. JB even noticed this and all he said was that you are a fatass.

"Here. You must still be hungry. Have my plate to. I only give beggars my leftovers," he said and left you there.

Well, after those harsh words and continuous beatings, you would lock yourself in the bathroom and start cutting yourself. You cut open new cuts and cut open old cuts. The sad thing was, all the cuts were from JB. Well, you had a bump and you went to go check it out. You bought a pregnancy test and you took it. It had two lines and you looked on the manual and it said that two lines meant that you were expecting. You decided to go check how far and actually confirm if you are pregnant, or not.

"Congratualtions Mrs. Im. You are seven months pregnant with a baby boy," the doctor said and smiled.

"Thank you," you said and went home.

You prepared a big dinner for you and Jaebum. You finished everything. And at 11 on the dot, the front door opened and was slammed shut. You went and saw that JB was home. You smiled at the thought of you telling him.

"JB honey. I have something to tell you," you mustered up enough courage to tell him.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't want to talk to you!" he screamed and slapped you.

"But it's important," you said and held his wrist from going.

In a flash, he turned around and threw you to the ground and began hitting you. The last hit went to your stomach. And at that point, you felt a sharp pain and a horrified yet painful scream ripped through your throat. JB looked at you with one of his eyebrows raised.

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