We're A Family: Youngjae

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I forgot who, but somebody requested that Youngjae should get more love. And I can't agree more. And another asked for a sistet perspective. So here you go.

"I'm so tired" you yawned as you walked to your third job.

Yes. Third job. You have five in total. But they are all equally seperated. The reason behind the five jobs is because your dad is a druggie and your mom is a gambler. Put them together, you have an apocalypse. They would use up all your pay check on drugs and gambling. And when they don't have it, they'll leave you and the house. But you think that they are gone for good because the mortgage is so high, there are no foods inside the fridge except for expired ones from last year, and angry people demanding to see your parents to pat for their debts. Oh yeah. Thats another thing... They borrowed money from so many different people that you would have at least twenty different people demanding to see your parents about their debt that they have to pay. And you have to say the same thing:

"I'll pay you back as soon as I get the money. Can you please write down your name and the amount you said they owe you please."

You got to your third job and put on the uniform. You did your eight hours and then walked home only to see the two people you don't want to see.

"Hey baby" your mom said as she kept in twitching.

"What are you doing here?" you asked coldly.

"We came for our money" your dad said.

"No. I need to pay for the rent, the water bill, the electricity bill, and the people you owe money to." you said.

"Come on... It's not that much. Just your pay check for the first three jobs" your Mom begged.

"No!" you shouted "The first pay check goes to the rent. The second one goes to the water bill. The third one goes to the electricity bill. And the last two will go to the people you bith owe money to"

"We just need it fora good cause" your dad said.

"And what cause is that?" you asked.

"We need another ounce" he said smiling.

"No. Get out!" you said as you shoved them out.

You went to go grab your purse only to find that the envelopes were already ripped and empty. They must have seen you say no so they distracted you and stole your money.

"Fuckin shit!" you said.

You walked to your room, plopped down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"At least Youngjae is doing good I hope. I hope he's okay up there being an idol" you said as the night passes by slowly.

You got up fron your bed, since you didnt even go to sleep, and got ready for work. You walked into the building.

"______________. Gwaenchanahyeo?" your manager asked you.

"Ne. Waeyeo?" you asked.

"You look horrible. You have bags, like legit bags under your eyes. And you look so stressed. And you look sick. You look so thin and you're rarely happy now." he said worriedly.

"It's fine really" you said forcing a smile on your face.

"If you don't feel good, you can go home and I'll close up the shop with Wendy" he said.

"Girl! Go home! You look a mess!" you heard Wendy say.

"Aniya. Gwaenchanah!" you said waving your hands at them.

"Are you sure?" your manager asked and you nodded.

"Okay. But I'll be in my office if anything happens" he said and walked away.

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