Baby Names: BamBam (Requested)

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You and your husband sat there arguing over the next two babies' names. You found out that you were having one boy and one girl. So you wanted them to have nice names. While BamBam, on the other hand, wanted something more interesting. You held your stomach as  you sat down, facing him while he faced you.

"I want them to have cool names" BamBam said.

"Seriously Bammie? Not one parent has ever named their child BEER!" you shouted, exaggerating the word or name Beer, that BamBam wanted to name your kids.

"I will know one?" he said.

"Really? Who?" you said inn disbelief.

The only thing that was going through your head was what kind of parents would name their child Beer? Like dafuq?

"US!" he said.

"Really nigga? Beer? Than shit... Might as well name our girl Watermelondrea!" you said throwing your hands in the air.

"What the fuck! Hell nah!" he shouted.

"Exactly my point!" you screamed.

"Beer is more better than that ratchet thing!" he said.

"No it is not! What are you going to name our daughter? Wine? Vodka?" you asked sarcastically.

"Yes. And what were you going to name our son? Jamaal? Jawan? Jamain?" he asked with the same tone.

"It's better than Beer!" you pointed it out.

"No it is not!" he exclaimed.

"Yes it is" you shouted.

"Why don't ya name your kid Blossom and Benny?" JR interjected.

You and BamBam sat there silently, just staring at each other.

"You know... Those aren't such bad names you know?" you laughed and BamBam nodded his head in agreement.

"But, Beer and Wine were still better!" he giggled.

"Umm. No booboo. Meganisha and Jawan were legit names for my babies. They would take after me" you said and you guys both began to laugh.

"Well, you have exactly two months until our angels Blossom and Benny come out" BamBam said as he sat by you.

"And you're telling me this because?" you asked trying to figure out where he was heading with this.

"We have to make new names?" he said with a duh tone.

"We already did" you said.

"Not for these two" he said.

"But I'm still pregnant. I can't be pregnant" you said.

"Not yet" he smirked and began laughing.


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