Jealous: Jackson

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You arrived at Jackson's fencing practice to only find him flirting with the new girl Youngji. You watched as he smirked at her. She hugged up on him and all he did was laugh.

"Jagiya!" you shouted to get his attention.

He turned towards you, smiled, waved, and returned to flirting with Youngji. You looked around only to see your best friend Mark waving at you.

"Oppa!" you shouted as you ran into his arms.

"How've you been?" he asked as you guys were still hugging.

"I've been good. What about you?" you asked.

"Same" he returned as he smiled.

You guys continued talking until it was time to go. And since Mark lives literally right across from you, he walked with you guys.

"Babe" Jackson said as you guys were walking.

"Remember that one day when we were kids, you thought that you drank Lemon Lime when really it was my pee." Mark laughed.

"You what!?" you shrieked.

"Oh... Was I supposed to say that?" Mark asked with wide eyes.

"Well... I guess we're even then" you said smirking.

"Babe" Jackson called again.

"Yeah" you answered.

"What do you mean?" Mark asked a but curious.

"Can we-" Jackson started.

"I broke your two skateboards by cutting it with an ax acting like it was fire wood. And remember the day when your toy car got ran over... I threw it on the road as I saw lots of cars coming." you confessed sheeply.

"What? Those were Christmas gifts and you ruined it! Why would you do it!?" he asked getting a bit angry.

"You're the one that decided that my little Simba doll needed a red line on his forehead... And your the one that decided to have a bon fire with my barbie play house!" you shouted.

"You still remember that?" Mark asked smirking.

"Yes" you said.

And you both began laughing at how stupid you guys were to each other. Leaving Jackson in the back.

"Babe I'm hungry" he complained.

"Okay" you said as you and Mark continued talking.

You guys ended up in the apartment and went to the room. You and Mark split ways and you walked into your apartment, you shared with Jackson. He came in slamming the door.

"Whats up with you?" you asked.

"Nothing" he snapped.

"Are you sure?" you asked.

"God dammit. Why don't you go to Mark over there" he snapped "I'm pretty sure you love his company more than mine"

You smirked as you connected the dots. He was jealous.

"Okay than" you said putting down the stuff to make food and walked to the door.

"Where you going" he asked confused.

"You said go to Mark's" you said smirking.

"I was just kidding!" he pouted.

"Why are you jealous?" you asked.

"I'm not jealous" he fought back quickly.

"Right. Are you lying?" you asked playfully.

"No" he said.

"Okay... I guess I'll just go to Mark" you said turning away.

"Okay I was jealous!" he confessed about to cry.

"Why?" you asked.

"Because you were talking with Mark throughout the whole damn day" he said "And it seems like you like him more than I do"

"You should know that I love you and only you" you said.

"You do?" he asked.

"I do" you smiled at him.

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