Roommate (Part 5): Jackson (Requested)

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It was going into midnight, Alana, Bom, Mark, Dongwook, and Minwoo... With an addition of an overdramatic Nana, waiting for Jackson to come home.

"He's still not home! What if he was jumped? What if he was drugged and molested?" Nana shut up.

"NANA! SHUT UP!" Bom shouted.

Nana quickly shut her mouth. Right at the moment, the door was forcefully opened, and Jackson came into the house. Jackson saw everybody and his one and only target. Mark.

"Jackson! We were so worried about you!" Nana shouted as she went and was about to cling onto his arm. But, he shoved her lightly, and made his way to his target.

"J-Jackson?" Mark said confused as Jackson grabbed his collar and punched him.

"YAH! Jackson!" Dongwook shouted as he was trying to separate Jackson from Mark.

Jackson made his way to Mark, and began to punch him again. You tried to pull Jackson off, but he remained in his position.

"Jackson! STOP!" you shouted.

You continued to try to pull him off, however, he quickly turned and gave you a few quick hits, making you the ground. Your vision became blurry, but it became clear, and you noticed that everybody was still with shocked expressions, looking at you.

"A-Alana. I-I" Jackson started.

Within seconds, Bom came and gave him hook. Making him fall to the ground, and with her jumping on top of him, beating him.

"Bommie!" Minwoo and Dongwook shouted.

"JACKSON!" Nana shouted.

Everything happened so fast. You suddenly saw Mark right in front of you.

"Look at you. You're bleeding" Mark said worried.

"You are too oppa" you said, touching his wound.

"I'm okay. But are you?" he asked.

"N-Ne" you said.

"Come on, let me go treat your wounds" Mark said as he carried your body.

You looked and saw that everybody was still struggling to trying to get Bom of Jackson. You got out of Mark's embrace and tried to yell to Bom.

"Bommie-unnie! If you don't stop... Then... Then... Then I'm going to take your secret stash of corn!" you shouted and her head jerked up.

"Go ahead. He hurt you, I'm not in the mood for any corn!" she said through gritted teeth and continued to punch Jackson.

"Then I'll take your stash of bread that is under your bed" you said and she quickly got up.

"Good night!" she sang and ran to the room.

Dongwook and Minwoo looked at you surprised. You looked at Jackson and saw that he was pretty beaten up. He had cuts, probably from Bom's nails, bruises that decorated his face, and little scratches.

"OH MY GOD JACKSON! YOU'RE HURT!" Nana shouted and ran and hugged him.

Mark dragged you to his room and then he began to clean your wounds.

"OPPA! APPA!" you shouted.

"Mian mian" he said.

Your wounds were treated and then it was your turn to treat his wounds. He purposely dabbed his wound, making him flinch and hiss in pain.

"Whoops. Sorry" you said sarcastically as he glared at you.

You and Mark then began to clean the mess. Just then, the door opened. Both turning your heads, revealing Jackson.

"H-Hey! Can I talk to you b-both" he asked hesitantly.

"Sure" you said.

"First of all Mark, I am so sorry. This was all stemmed from jealousy because-" Jackson ended and became very quiet.

"Because?" Mark pushed Jackson.

"Because I-" Jackson started but stopped.

"Because you like Alana" Mark blurted out.

"MARK!" Jackson said and tackled Mark on the bed, they're both laughing, while you sat there shocked.

"But I don't even know if I like..." you blurted out, catching both of their attentions, with a confused look on both of their faces.

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