You Over Them: Jackson (Requested)

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You stood there in the doorway, just listening to your boyfriend and his friends' conversation, since the door was slightly opened. You didn't like what you heard and you didn't like it one bit. You stood there with all of their gifts that you had prepared for their successful world tour they just had. You peeked inside of the door and saw them all talking.

"Dude, your girlfriend isn't even pretty" Jinyoung said.

"And to top it off, we have lost lots of stocks and fans because she isn't Asian. But BLACK!" Mark said.

"I love her!" Jackson shouted.

"And we don't! She's the reason IGOT7s are not coming to support us at anything. Because she isn't the standard girl for us Asian people!" JB shouted.

"And it's bad enough that her hair isn't even real!" Yugyeom said.

"It's is real!" Jackson backed you "What's fake is you guys' attitude towards my girlfriend. And it's stupid because you guys don't see me talking shit about your girls right? Especially you Mark and JB. I have mad respect for your girls because they are our seniors and because you guys are my brothers!"

"It's bad enough that you are dating a non-idol, who actually comes from a low-class family" Youngjae said.

"And that she will always be broke. I mean look at her clothes. She doesn't have anything decent in her closet, if all she does is look like a homeless person" Jinyoung added.

"And she's dark skinned!" JB shouted.

"That's my ideal type" Jackson shouted back.

"And did you know that she was a stripper when she was in the states?" BamBam asked.

"I am aware of that, but that's the reason why she's here. To change!" Jackson shouted.

You stood there absorbing every little thing that they have said about you.

"What do you want me to do? Huh?" Jackson asked as he threw his hands out as his members talked about you.

"Break up with that broke ass girl of yours and then we can have all of our fans back!" JB shouted.

After hearing what he said, you dropped all of the gifts, making it crash to the ground. They all looked at the door with wide eyes, and Jackson walked slowly to the door. When Jackson opened the door and revealed that it was you, you ran for it, ignoring him calling your name. He glared at his members, took his jacket, and ran after you. You were running to the park that you always go to when you are stressed, hurt, feeling down, or just emotionally unstable. You ended up on the bridge that crosses that Han River, just staring at the water. You stepped on the first rail and then the second rail, your body leaning over the railing to fall into the water. You were about to go over the rail when your body was pulled back into a hug.

"Please don't do anything stupid" Jackson whispered into your ear..

"But I'll make the members happy and you can have all your fans back" you said.

"And what do you think I want" he asked as he tightened his embrace around you.

"Me with you" you answered and he nodded his head as he pecked head.

"Correct" he said.

"But what about the other members? They don't like me" you said.

"What about them?" Jackson asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"They don't like me being with you" you said.

"So what? If they don't like you, than I am willing to leave GOT7, as a matter of fact, let's go to JYP Headquarters" he said and pulled you to get a cab.

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