Jealous: JB

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You were on a date with your boyfriend JB. You guys sat there laughing, holding each others hands, and smiling. Well... Good things don't last forever right? Your smile disappeared instantly as JB's name was called and a random girl came up and hugged him. You forced a smile on your face and watched as she pulled up a chair to sit with you guys. Not even a whole two minutes you were now Casper the ghost. You got bored seeing them laugh at each other.

"Good one oppa!" she shouted.

(Oppa? No bwoo. Ain't nobody calling my boyfriend oppa but me!)

(Get her!)

You sat there watching as he wasn't even affected by her calling oppa. He even smiled when she called him that. He reached over her shoulder and he began laughing as his arm remained steady on her shoulder. You were fed up and so you decided to text your other friend Mark.

Y: Hey bwoo!

M: Hey babe... Wassup?

Y: I'm bored... My date turned into something else. Now I'm Casper the ghost...

M: Then come hang out with me and Jackson! We're having a movie night... But leave you have to leave a 12:30 though...

Y: That's fine! Anything is better to get me out of here!

M: See you soon. TTYL BWOO!

Y: OKAY! ❤

You looked up and saw that they were still laughing. You excused yourself but apparently they didn't hear so you, so you just went. You walked to Mark's house and opened the door.

"Hey!" you said.

"Hi ___________!" Jackson said.

"Hey girl!" Mark said.

You guys began watching movies but you all ended up falling asleep. You woke up the next morning to have 55 texts messages, 63 missed calls, 48 new voice mails. You woke up Mark and Jackson and told them that you were going to leave.

"Not until you have something to eat. Than can you come with us to meet up with Mark's sister at the park, and then we can probably take you home" Jackson insisted.

You tried to protest but he gave you a look that made you not want to argue back. So yoi ended up staying and ate with them. You actually got to get closer to Jackson.

"To my sis Tammy!" Mark shouted with a high pitch tone.

You were walking with Mark and them to the park to meet up with Tammy, Mark's sister. You heard a high pitch scream.

"TAMMY!" Mark screamed as he ran to a female.

"Jesus Mark!" Tammy laughed "Hi Jackson!"

"Hi Tammy!" Jackson said.

Tammy looked at you and had a shock expression.

"Mark? Who is this?" she asked pointed at you.

"This is my friend _________" he said.

"Oh. I'm sorry baby girl. But you just gonna need to get used to him and his shopping habits. Piece of advise... If he asks you if you want to go with him to the mall. Decline the off IMMEDIATELY! You're going to be stuck in the damn mall for hours!" Tammy said making the three of you laugh while Mark pouted.

"No. That was only a one time thing because they didn't have my size in the shoes I wanted." Mark tried to argue.

"Right" Tammy said with much sarcasm "Well see you guys some other time"

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