Loved Again (Requested): JR and Jackson

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You had a fatty ass crush on the one and only Park Jinyoung or known as JR. You confessed to him but just the look on his face, it made you lie and say that it was all a dare and joke and that he did not have to worry about it. He laughed and you fake laughed while deep inside, you were hurting. Hurting to the point, where you did not talk to him for a while and he had noticed. You have been spending your time with Jackson. It's been four years and you have gotten over what's his face? Jinyoung... And you have been with Jackson.

You were walking when Jackson came up and put his arms over your shoulder.

"Hey babe," he said.

"Stop calling me that dodo brain" you laughed and he pouted.

"Damn so mean," he said and fake cried.

"Can you not" you laughed and you guys went into class.

"Hey, lets play a game," he said and you agreed.

"Okay. What are we playing?" you asked.

"We ask a question and we have to answer it honestly," he said.

"That's it?" you asked.

"Yes," he said.

"Okay, you start first," you said.

"What is your favorite color?" he asked.

"Red," you said "What are you most confident about?"

"My thighs" he said "What do you enjoy doing on your free time"

"Eating, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, singing" you said "What is one sport you like?"

"Fencing," he answered "What is one thing you can't live with out?"

"FOOD!" you said.

You guys both laughed. You thought of one question and smirked at the question that came up in your head.

"Who do you like?" you smirked and his face became pale.

"Do I have to answer that?" he asked.

"How are you going to make up game and try to bend the rules?" you said "Yes, you have to answer the question"

"Okay," he said and breathed.

"Any day now" you said a bit impatiently.

"The person I like is. . . You" he said hiding his face.

You sat there shocked. Without you knowing, you ran out of the classroom, ignoring the people's voices who were calling after you. You ran to the spot that you were most comfortable. . . The rooftop. You began crying. You may be asking why you are crying. Well, the thing is... You have feelings for Jackson but. . . You might have some feelings for that bastard but you don't know if you do.

"__________________?" a soft voice said and you instantly fell for that voice.

You turned around and saw that it was the bastard, Jinyoung himself. You were kind of irritated because just a simple word, which was your name. It brought all your feelings for him back.

"I like you" he said and you stopped and looked at him.

"What?" you said a bit irritated.

"I have liked you. I was shocked when you confessed to me and I was happy. But when you said that it was a joke, I almost died" he said.

"___________________," Jackson said as he came up.

"What are you doing here?" JR asked with much hate.

"I came here to take the girl that I like" Jackson said.

"Sorry, but I've had more feelings for her than you ever had. You only had feelings for her so she can substitute your feelings for Youngji since she done left you" JR said and Jackson's eyes widened "You know that I am telling the truth."

"The only reason why you like _________________ is because you got rejected by Suzy. Three times!" Jackson shouted.

"You guys stop," you said as they began to get into each other's faces "Jackson, I-I'm sorry but I still have feelings for Jinyoung. Can we be friends? All off us?"

He looked hurt and smiled.

"Yeah. We can be friends. And I am sorry Jinyoung for the things I have said. I was just being over protective" he said.

"I'm sorry Jackson too," JR said and the shook hands.

You guys all made up and decided to ditch class to have the bond that you guys had the years before.

"I love you both," you said and smiled.

"We love you too" they both said and you guys did a group hug.

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