Arranged Marriage (Part 1): JB

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You were part of one of the most richest family in Korea. However, your parents business was being bought by some person who thought that they was all that. As you were eating your dinner with your parents, your mom had a worried look on her face.

"Mom... Are you okay?" you asked.

"Baby, I have some things to tell you" she finally spoke.

You sat there waiting for what your mom had to bring to the table.

"Well, I'm pretty sure it's not that bad" you smiled reassuringly despite the fact that you had a bad feeling about this.

"Ummmm. Baby.... You know how our company is being bought?" your mom asked.

"Yeah... Did it already get bought?" you asked as tears formed in your eyes.

"No baby" your mom answered.

You sighed in relief and said: "Then what's so bad about that?"

"There is a way for our company to bw saved... And another company is being in the same position as us. And they decided that if we join forces... We will save our company. And how we decided to join forces is... To set up an arranged marriage." she finally said.

"A what now?" you finally said.

"An arranged marriage. Me and your father have already met with the son and he's very lovely and what not. His name is Im Jaebum, I believe." she said.

-No... Not him. My all time crush is going to be my fiance. No... I don't think he likes me.

You didn't know what else to do but run out of the house and go straight to your friends house to tell her the news.

Wedding Day

You stood there as the music began to play. The doors opened and everybody turned around looking at you. Some were smiling, others were frowning. You walk down the aisle and meet up with JB. The priest tells you guys to say your own vows and you guys say your "I Do" and then you guys kiss. You look to the left and see three girls frowning, assuming that they were his girlfriends, you frowned as well. After the wedding, you guys walk into the house that your parents bought for you guys. You looked around and began unpacking.

"Do you want to sleep on the bed?" you asked.

He just looked at you with his non-emotional eyes and laid on the bed.

"Or not" you said as you walked out.

Months have passed, and he still never talked to you. He only smiled... But not towards you. But his the three girls he always brings over. If it's not one, it two, if not two... All three of them. He never even asked if you were okay when you cried because you felt rejected.

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