926 14 24

thee_kpopper97 created a chat.

thee_kpopper97 added mark_tuan626, im_daddyjaebum, jackson_gaga, momma_jinpark, coco's_daddy, fanservking_bam2x, giantmaknae_yugie, hellobxtchesitscl, daraling_2NE1, bompoong, prettyassjisoo, thai_guro_lisa, rosé_arered, jenniekim_inyoarea.

thee_kpopper97- Hello everybody and hello to my fellow readers. How are you guys doing today?

im_daddyjaebum- Well if it isn't druggy, the wannabe bad bitch, and the female version of Benjamin Button. Ya brought some extra hoes I see.

thee_kpopper97- Not even 5 minutes and you're already roasting them? 😒😒😒😒😒😒

jenniekim_inyoarea- A roast battle he wants. A roast battle he gets! 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

thee_kpopper97- Wait that wasn't the reason for this groupchat. It was for BOOMBAYAH and WHISTLE!

mark_tuan626- I'm sorry but who are you?

thee_kpopper97- Please don't start Mark. Come on, don't do this.

mark_tuan626- Shut it Ele!

thee_kpopper97- Yessir! 😶😯😶😯😶😯😶😯

jackson_gag- Stay out of this Ele!

im_daddyjaebum- Just sit there and shut it!

thee_kpopper97- WTF! Okay fine...

jenniekim_inyoarea- Ele you good.

thee_kpopper97- YAWMP! Thank you bwoo!

fanservking_bam2x- I was known for dancing even before debut!

thai_guro_lisa- Is that why you didn't win first place in any auditions.

fanservking_bam2x- Watch it whoever you are! You're irrelevant!

thai_guro_lisa- Not what I heard. Last time I checked, I was the main dancer in WE ZAA COOL and was possibly the leader of the group. 💋

fanservking_bam2x- Lisa?

thai_guro_lisa- YAWMP!

jackson_gaga- Dont let your guard down @fanservking_bam2x

fanservking_bam2x- You're right.

im_daddyjaebum- Wow. Took ya long enough to debut. Took ya after four years of rumors to debut.

jenniekim_inyoarea- Wow took ya over four promotions just to be nominated on Number 1 on music shows, but it takes us only 4 days. 💁 And how long have ya been an active group?

mark_tuan626- Watch it before you'll fall and hurt your ankles again.

jenniekim_inyoarra- Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself. Worry about how to rap!

jackson_gaga- Watch who you're talking to little one!

rosé_arered- Little one... Why are we talking about your dick. That's disgusting.

prettyassjisoo- Dont be too harsh on him Rosé. Before the original "little cock" will be mad.

mark_tuan626- You're too pretty... How many surgeries did you have to do? More than that druggy?

bompoong- First off, it's called medication. Second of all, how many lines do you get in your songs? You just get the English parts because they pity you for not knowing how to rap.

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