Fencing Champ: Jackson

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You were off to the finals of fencing. You were the top fencing person in your league. And you had to go up against some kid. You put your mask on and then you walked out. You saw a guy with blonde hair and he was dressed in the fencing attire. He smiled.

"Hello. My name is Jackson Wang" he said sticking out his hand.

You nodded and shool his hand. The ref said for you both of you to go to your side. You went to your side and then the whistle was blown. He quickly tried to pierce you but your sword hit it to make it miss you. You charged for him and he got hit.

"The winner is ______________. With the time of 19 seconds" the announcer said "First place goes to ______________. Second place to Jackson Wang."

You took off your mask and looked at Jackson. Be had a shock expression. After everything, you were about to leave.

"Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" Jackson asked as he sat himself by you.

"Sure. I'll love to" you said.

"And... Would you do me a favor... To be my girlfriend?" he asked.

"What?" you asked shocked.

"Yeah... The moment I laid eyes on you... I had to make you mine" he confessed.

"But we just met" you said.

"I know... But I think I love you" he said.

"Okay" you said smiling.

"Okay what?" he asked.

"I'll be your girlfriend" you smiled.

"Really?" he asked jumping out of his seat like a little kid.

"Yeah" you said.

"My girlfriend is the Fencing Champ!" Jackson shouted

"Okay. Kaja jagi!" you said and kissed his cheeks.

And he sat there shocked. You giggled and got up about to walk away. When your wrist was grabbed and your body was yanked. You landed on Jackson. And then he kissed you while you guys laid on thr bleachers.

"Saranghae jagi!" he smiled.

"Nado saraghae pabo" you smiled.

"YAH!" he shouted and giggled as you pecked him again.

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