Surprise Visit: Jackson

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You got off the plane in South Korea. You decided that you would visit your little brother since you left to study abroad and he left to become an idol. You grabbed your luggages and walked til you saw your friend Mark

"Hyung!" Mark screamed as he saw you.

He ran up and engulfed you in a huge hug.

"YAH! Mark... C-Can't breathe" you struggled to say.

"Oh. Mian." he said as he rubbed the nape of his neck.

"Gwaenchanah. Gaja!" you said.

"Ne," Mark said and grabbed all of your stuff.

You guys were driving to JYP Headquarters.

"So how is my brother?" you asked.

"He's okay. He keeps saying that he misses having an older brother around" Mark answered "He really miss you"

"Poor Jackson" you said as you were on the verge of tears.

You guys entered the parking lot that was under the building and you exited out of the car. You exit out of the car and you followed Mark to the front desk.

"Annyeonghaseo," you greeted her and she greeted back.

You signed in and walked with Mark to the dance room. You were told to go through the other door abd sneak up behind him and surprise him as Mark. You followed his instructions and waited for Jackson to turn his back towards you.

"Jackson!" Mark screamed and Jackson turned your back towards you.

Mark gave you a thumbs up and you opened the door. Everybody was smiling as you made your way to him. You covered his eyes.

"What the- Yugyeom! Quit it!" Jackson shouted.

"But it's not me." the maknae said.

"BamBam! If you don't-" Jackson shouted.

"But it's not me either" BamBam said.

"I swear if you don't move your hand away I will-" Jackson said frustratedly.

"You'll what?" you asked with a smirk.

"H-Hyung?" he said.

You felt your hands become wet and you noticed that he was crying. You removed your hands and he immediately turned around and engulfed you in a tight hug. He was now sobbing and he covered his face in your clothes as he hugged you tighter.

"Yah. Dongsaeng. Hajima araseo," you said as your player with his hair.

You guys stayed in that position for a few more minutes. He moved his head so he can look at you. When you met his eyes, he began crying harder. And he pressed his face against your clothes again. You pet his hair and rocked him back and forth.

"When did you come?" he asked trying to smile.

"Not too long ago" you smiled as you brushed his tears with your thumbs "Stop crying you big baby"

He laughed as he hit you on your chest. He hugged you again, not wanting to let go.

"God I've missed you!" he said.

"I missed you too my little dongsaeng," you replied with a warm smile.

"Thank you for this surprise visit. It literally just made my day!" he said.

"Yeah. I know it's me" you said with a "duh" tone and began laughing as he hit you.

"Hey _____________. Would you like to stay for our practice and then we could go celebrate your arrival?" JB asked.

You looked at Jackson and he had a pleading look in his eyes.

"Please please stay!" he begged.

"Okay. Why not" you smiled and hugged Jackson again and watched them practice. Just smiling at the young man your younger brother has become.

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