Mob Life: Mark (Requested)

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The person who requested this would like to remain anonymous due to the chance of being bashed since this is a BOYXBOY.

You ran away from them. It was all because your fuckin' boyfriend decided to be the mob boss for AHGASE. A top notch gang. They wanted your boyfriend because he killed thier boss. However, the thing was, you didn't know that Mark was part of the "Mob Life" until the four guys were following you from the school saying that they need to speak with Mark. When you asked why, they said that he owes them a his life and money for killing their leader. And that right there, leads ya reader to the situation where we are at, at the moment.

"Get back here!" one of the men said as they all were chasing you.

You kept running. Hearing their shouts and threats here and there.

"When we get you. You will die." the other guy screamed.

Your wrist was grasped and you screamed in shock and in pain. Turning around to find one of the guys right in front of you.

"Please don't hurt me" you said in fear "Let go!"

"You will know who you messed with!" the guy said as he punched you.

"Mark!" you scrramed after every hit your body absorbed.

"Your little boyfriend will die as well!" they laughed as they still beat you.

Few minutes past and your body was limp. They threw you on the ground like trash when theu were done beating you. You got up and slowly made your way home. You pried the door open.

"Babe?" tje voice of your boyfriend echoed throughout the house.

You felt relieved, angry, sad, mixed emotions. You were relieved to hear his voice, angry because he broke his promise about keeping no secret, amd sad because he kept this away from you.

"Oh my gosh babe! What happened?" Mark asks as he rushed to your side.

You didn't want to deal with him so you ignored hia comment amd walked past him.

"Babe?" Mark asked as je grabbed your shoulder making you hiss in pain.

"Get away from me." you said through gritted teeth and continued waling up thw steps.

You felt yourself being carried and saw Mark.

"Tell me what happened please" he said in a worried tone.

"I fell and hit my face on the desk" you said in a monotone.

"You can't lie to me. Remember our promise. No secrets" he said.

"Oh the irony in that statement of yours Mr. Mark Tuan" you said sarcastically.

"What is up with you?" Mark asked, raising his voice.

"You're what's wrong. You say that our promise is to never keep secrets, amd yet you have a big one!" you shouted.

"And what is that? That I've cheated? Or that I've planned on having you by my side forever?" he asked "What is it?"

"You're a fuckin' gangster. And to be more accurate, the gang leader" you shouted as tears fell down "That's the secret"

"H-H-How did you know?" he asked shocked.

"I was attacked by your rivals" you said pushing him aside and walking to the bed.

You sat there, wiping your tears away.

"Hey, can we talk?" Mark came and kneeled in front of you.

"About what. How my boyfriend is the leader of a gang, and practically risks his life?" you said sarcastically.

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