Love Song: Youngjae

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Its been years since you have seen your best friend Youngjae. You were forced to transfer schools because your family moved for a job offer that your dad received. You were finally back and at them. You were excited that you could even see Youngjae again. As you went into the new school, that was all you looked for. Youngjae. You saw jim from a far so you rushed over to him. You kicked the back of his knees and began laughing.

"JaeJae!" you yelled.

But you didn't get the reaction you wanted. You wrist was grabbed and you were thrown to the lockers.

"If you ever do that again, I'll make your life a living hell. Got that? And what did you call me?" he said coldly.

"I said JaeJae!" ypu responded tears forming in your eyes.

"Well... Get lost newbie. Because this is my domain" he smirked and walked away.

Everybody whispering about you and the thing that they have witnessed.

"He doesn't remember me" you cried.

Days passed and you have been getting picked on by him. He would always call you whore and stuff. And make you do things. It was just another boring day in you music class. But the thing was, you guys had to play an instrument and sing along to it. Well the only song that have been on your mind was you and Youngjae's love song that you wrote before you left. You were called to go play and so you did. You began pressing the keys and singing your heart out. As you sang, the emotions just overflowed and you began crying. You finished the song amd just then, Youngjae came rushing through the door and asked if he could borrow you for a few minutes.

"NO!" you firmly stated.

"Please ____________" he said.

The moment he said your name, you gave in. You walked out and within a blink of an eye. You were engulfed un a tight hug.

"I've missed you my baby! I didn't want to believe that you were you. Because when you ssud JaeJae, my heart fluttered when I heard it. And when you kicked me behind my knees. And when you didn't do anything when I picked on you. You really are _____________." he said "Just the more prettier and sexier version"

You smiled and hugged him to.

"I miss you too oppa," you said.

"And I see you still remember our Love Song?" he smiled.

"How can I forget?" he smiled.

"I dont know. But I certainly did" he said.

Your smiled disappeared instantly amd he began laughing.

"Just kidding man!" he said in his broken English as he laughed gis ass off.

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