Christmas Special: Mark

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"Merry Christmas!" you said to the GOT7 members.

You handed them their gifts that you bought for them.

"OH MY GOD!" BamBam squealed.

"What?" everybody asked.

BamBam looked up at you with tears in his eyes.

"Thank you so much!" he said aa he hugged you.

"What did you get him?" everybody asked curiously.

"I'm going home! I finally get to go back to Thailand!" he said crying.

"I'm confused!" Jackson said as je furrowed his eyebrows.

"About?" they asked.

"I only got three tickets to China and a paper that says go to the front door" Jackson said.

"Why don't you go to the door and see?" you asked smiling.

He hesitantly got up from the couch and went to the door. He backed up a bit and began crying.

"What did you get him?" your boyfriend Mark asked.

"Mom! Dad!" Jackson screamed and began crying.

The three came and hugged you. Jackson stayed and hugged you for a longer time.

"Thank you so much. I thought that I couldn't see them this year because I didn't make enough" he cried.

You got a lot of thank yous and hugs. Everybody loved their gifts. Now it was your turn to give Mark his gift.

"Here oppa!" you said and handed him an envelope and a box.

You got him a snapback that said Tuan, a couple ring that jas both initials, a skateboard that has his name in graffiti, and then in tje envelope, you gave him a ticket back to LA. He looked at you shocked and began crying.

"Thank you so much jagi!" he said and enfulfed you in a tight hug.

He breathed in and out and smiled his killer smile.

"I've got something for you!" he smiled.

"Why?" you asked.

"Because I wanted to" he said and kneeled in front of you smiling.

"Why waste your money on me?" you asked.

"I love the couple ring" he said smiling.

"I'm glad you do" you said.

"But how about it's a ring to tie the knot?" he asked.

"N-Ne?" you asked shocked and looked and noticed that he was on one knee.

He pulled out a box and smiled.

"Would you accept the fact that we will have both a couple ring and a marriage ring" he asked and you were now in tears.

"N-Ne! Ne oppa! Saranghae!" you said and hugged him "But what about your LA ticket?"

"I knew you would buy me one so I bought you one too so we can go and meet your in laws" he smiled and kissed you.

Merry Christmas!

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