Vocal Trainer: JB

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JB's P.O.V.:

"You know what?! I quit!" out vocal trainer shouted and then she was gone in a flash.

You P.O.V.:

"Thank you so much!" you shouted as people began cheering for you.

You walked off the stage and was met with a guy that looked like he was in his 40s. You smiled and so did he.

"Hello miss" he smiled.


"So... I was wondering if you wanted to take an offer as a vocal trainer?" he asked.

"A what?" you asked.

"A vocal trainer"

"Oh... Ummm. What company is this for?"

"J.Y.P." the guy smiled.

"Okay" you nodded.

The guy escorted you to a van but you stopped in your tracks.

"What if your a kidnapper?" you asked.

"1. If I was a kidnapper... You would have been gone with other people. 2. I can't kidnap you because I am the Founder of J.Y.P. Entertainment" he chuckled "And shouldn't you have thought about that before we even started talking?"

"Hehe... Yeah. Okay let's go" you said.

During the ride, you texted your boyfriend JB.

Y- Oppa guess what?

J- What?

Y- I found a job

J- That's great jagi! Where? What?

Y- I'm a trainer at some company.

J- Okay. Good luck.

Y- Thank you. Love you! ❤❤

J- Love you too

You placed your head on your window and was about to fall asleep. But you were interrupted when the driver shouted "WE'RE HERE!"

"Thank you" you smiled as you got out the car.

You guys were walking in silent until he broke it.

"So... Welcome to J.Y.P. Nation. And I already assigned you to a group already. Their vocal trainer quit. Their name is GOT7." he said and you nodded.

"Thank you" you smiled and you followed him to a door.

"This group is very... Unique?" he said and you laughed.

He opened the door and walked in. You followed and everybody turned towards you and the guy. However, they didn't see you because you were behind him.

"Annyeonghaseo PD-nim!" they shouted.

"I found a new vocal trainer for you guys" he said and moved tp the side so the guys can see.

"Jagi?" a voice called.

You turned and saw your boyfriend.

"OPPA?" you shouted.

"I'll let you guys introduce yourselves. Oh the reason why their other trainer quit was because they always pulled pranks on her and they never listened"

"Is that so?" you smirked and watched as he left.

"WAH! My jagi will be working with me!" JB said as he tried to kiss you.

You dodged him, making his face plant hit the wall.

"Jagi!" he pouted.

"So. Hello my name is ____________. I am JB's girlfriend. And if you guys mess with me... I'll make your life a living hell. So don't fuck with me cus I will fuck yo asses up! Got it?" you said and without hesitation , they nodded.

"Yes" they all said.

"Good" you said and looked at JB "I'm going to be harder on you though"

"Jagi!" he pouted "Wae?"

"If we are working, I am not your jagi I am your vocal trainer. Got it?" you said with a stable voice.

"Ne." he pouted.

Hope you guys enjoyed these. Have an awesome day!

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