Someone Else's Guy (Part 2): Jackson

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So I totally forgot but someone asked if I could do a second part to this and I believe I said yes but it was thrown in the back of my mind until last night. So sorry for the person who asked for it. I really am. Hope you enjoyed it.

After you walked out of your audition, a few weeks past and JYP contacted you, saying that you were now officially a trainee at JYP Entertainment. You told your brother and he was happy for you. Without thinking, you called Jackson's number.

J- _________________? I've been calling you for- **beep**

You hung up right when he started to talk. Your eyes began to tear up and you began crying. You rushed to JYP Entertainment to go see JYP for the meeting he called. You were told to go to the dance room and you did. As you were walking, you heard  music blasting and you saw some of the new faces that was at the audition and... GOT7 and DAY6. You immediately went to your brother avoiding all of GOT7. They waved at you but you just ignored them. You lost all of their trust that day when they just sat there doing nothing as Jackson kissed up all over Youngji. It made you wonder if that was even the first time he ever did that while you guys were in a relationship. During the workshop, you got to choose a partner to do warm ups with. Jackson approached you but you ran and told Jae to be your partner. You guys did the vocal lesson. After all the lessons were finished and the workshops were over, you were walking out of the door when a hand encircled your wrist. You looked back to find Jackson.

"Can I talk to you please?" he asked.

"Fine" you sighed in defeat.

He pulled you to the couch that was located at the corner of the room and looked at the ground.

"If you're not going to say shit than I'm leaving," you said and got up but he grabbed your wrist again.

"Please forgive me!" he cried.

"Why?" Why would you do it?" you asked

"I don't know," he said as tears ran down your face "But please forgive me."

"I have forgiven you." you said.

"So you'll get back with me?" he asked.

"No. The fact that you were somebody else's guy while you're dating me hurt me more. Just go back to Youmgji and forget that I was ever in your life" you said and got up and left him in the cold room.

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