We Were Meant To Be (Part 2): Mark

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You were on your way to your friend's house. If you went to your brothers, they will probably tell Mark that you are with them and you do not want to see him or talk to him. You arrived at your friend's place and when she opened the door, she quickly took me into her embrace.

"Are okay?" she asked.

"No" you said.

"What happened?" she asked and you explained everything from you falling in love with Mark to what he had said and the more you got into the story, the more her eyes became cold and hard.

"So yeah. That's what happened" you said.

"I am going the states for a while. Do you want to go with me. I had an extra ticket for no apparent reason?" she asked.

"Won't I just become a hassle?" you asked and she shook her head.

"Me being by alone is a hassle," she said and you nodded and you thanked her.

"Thank you so much!" you hugged her and she smiled.

"We leave in the morning," she said and you nodded.

"I don't have all my stuff though," you said.

"Let's go get them" she said.

"How?" you asked.

"Just wait and see," she said.

You guys drove to your house that you had shared with Mark in her car. She asked for Mark's number and than she called him.

- Hello?

- Mark?

- Yes?

- I have ___________________ and I am taking her to her brothers.

- Ok. Thank you. I'll be over there!

After a few minutes, Mark's car drove out of the garage and you and her went inside. You guys grabbed all of your stuff and went. You guys went back to her place and got ready. While you were finishing packing, you got a call.

- Hello?

- ____________________? Are you okay. Where are you. Mark came by and said that you are over here. What happened?

- What you mean? I'm at home with him.

- Oh thank God. Okay. Good night.

-Good night JB. Tell JR that I said that good night. I love you both no matter what is about come. I will miss you guys.

- Okay. Good night little sis. Sweet dreams.

You hung up and went and put your stuff in the car. As you were walking in, your phone rang and this time it was Mark. You ignored his call and shoved it in your pocket, only to pull it out again since he called again. So, you turned off your phone. It was morning already, and you guys went to the airport. You went through the security system and you were waiting on your friend, when you saw them.

"Hey girl," Tammy said.

"Tammy?" you asked a bit shocked.


"What are you doing here?"

"Me and Joey need to go back home for something real quick and then we are coming back. What are you doing here?"

"I am just going to have some fresh air to think" you said and she nodded.

"I am so sorry" she said and you guys split ways.

Your friend came and you guys boarded the plane. You looked at Joey and his eyes are wide surprised to see you. You guys got on your plane and you were off to the states.

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