Jealous: Mark

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It's unfortunately a rare day for you. You actually get to see your husband. Mark. Yes. Mark Yi En Tuan from GOT7 is your husband. He is watching you and your son Jaebum play.

"Mommy... I have to go potty" your son said.

"Okay let's go" you said getting up to go to the bathroom.

While you were waiting for Jaebum to finish, he asked you question that you never thought he would ask.

"Mommy? If you had to choose between me and Daddy. Who do you like sleeping with?" he asked.

"I like sleeping with both of you guys" you smiled.

"You have to choose" he pouted.

(Fuck. Him and his Dad can pout so damn good)

(I feel sorry for you)

"Okay okay. I choose... You" you said and he squealed.

"Yay!" he screamed "Okay let's go to sleep then Mommy!"

"Ne," you said as he washed his hands and walked to his room.

You tucked him in and you laid by him. You heard footsteps coming and saw Mark at the door.

"Daddy guess what?" your son asked.

"What?" Mark smiled.

"Mommy says she likes sleeping with me more than you." he squealed making Mark's smile disappear.

Mark walked away to your room and you put Jaebum to sleep. You went to your room that you shared with Mark only to fibd his back facing you.

"Mark?" you asked as you wrapped your arms around him.

He removed your arms amd scooted further from you.

"Mark. What's wrong?" you said.

"Nothing!" he snapped.

"Are you mad at what Jaebum said?" you asked.

"W-What n-no. That's stupid" je said.

"Yes you are" you said.

"Fine I was jealous of what he said" Mark pouted.

(For crying out loud. Can my next child be like me and never pout!?)

You burst out laughing and he looked at you confused. You snuggled into his chest.

"You should know that I love sleeping with you, even if it is for at least up to ten times a month. Those are the best" you said into his chest.

"You mean that?" he asked smiling.

"Of course I do you big baby!" you said.

"Why are you calling me that?" he asked pouting again.

"Seriously... You were jealous that Jaebum said that I love sleeping with him. I do but I love sleeping with you more" you said as you wrapped your arms around him.

Mark snaked his arms around your waist, and pulles you closer.

"So why did you say him if you knew it was me?" he asked smirking.

"He's a kid. I have to make him feel loved and hapoy" you said.

"I am so going to tell him" Mark said in a high pitch tone.

"You tell him, you're sleeping but yourself in here." you said.

"And where will you be sleeping at. Huh Mrs. Tuan?" he asked.

"With my baby Jaebum" you smirked and his smiled faded "Afterall, I really do enjoy sleeping with my little baby"

"Hajima!" Mark pouted as you kept teasing him.

"Waeyeo?" you asked.

"You're making me jealous! You should only love sleeping with me! And nobody else. Not even Jaebum!" Mark pouted.

"Araso," you said pecking his lips "You should know I love and enjoy sleeping with you. We can cuddle and do anything together"

"I love sleeping with you too" he said.

"Promise me to never get jealous over what Jaebum says?" you said.

"Promise. Promise to always love sleeping with me?" he asked.

"Promise" you said.

You pecked his lips and snugfles against his body for warmth and love.

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