All About You (Part 2): Mark

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It's been seven years since you walked out on Mark. News were that, he went pn hiatus and GOT7 promoted without him. Yes, you would admit that you did miss him and you still love him. But that's one thing that you can't do. And that's forgetting your anniversary, which was today. You went and did shopping with your son Taeyong.

"What do you want?" you asked your son.

"I want ice cream. And corn dogs. And dino nuggets. And gold fish. And can we get cereal too?" he asked as he stated his lists of wanting.

You shook your head, smiling at Taeyong.

"Is that all you want?" you asked.

"And watermelon. And koolaid. And GOT7 gummies" he said and you froze.

"What did you say" you asked him shocked.

"GOT7 gummies" he said and began to list all the things that he wanted.

"Do you want cake?" you asked.

"Yeah!" he said hopping up and down in excitement "Can we get the chocolate with the icr cream please"

You nodded grabbed all the things that you and him wanted. You paid and bagged everything. You walked to your car.

"_______________?" a voice asked making you turn around.

"Yes" you said turning around to see Mark and the other boys.

"Mommy! These are GOT7!" Taeyong shouted in glee.

"Yup. They are GOT7 Taeyong" you said.

"Mommy?" Jackson asked.

"Who's the father?" JB asked.

"It was fun while it lasted" you said tunring around and putting everything in the car.

"My Mommy said that I am close to GOT7. So close that I can be related to one of them by blood" Taeyong said.

"Yah! Taeyongie!" you shouted.

"She said that I also look like Mark. And that Mark was my Daddy's name." he said and Mark looked at you.

"Is he mine?" Mark asked.

"He never was your" you said.

"Mommy. Is this my Daddy? We look alike so much" Taeyong said.

You sighed deeply.

"Yes baby. This is your father." you said and hr squealed.

"I finally get to meet you. Why haven't you been at home with Mommy? Today is the day, when Mommy cries all day" Taeyong said.

You began crying, but in a flash. You were now in someone's embrace.

"I've messed up. Please forgive me for fucking up on the marriage. I'll do better." he begged.

You nodded your head and he scooped you in the air.

"Thank you. Now starting today, this day will be all about you" he saud and pecked your lips.

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