Witch: GOT7

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I wanted to try something new when they are all part of it. So here it goes.

You sat in your seat as you waited for class to start. You have been putting students under ss for fun that you lost track of time. You undid the spells and saw the teacher coming.

"Class! We have seven new students! So be nice to them!" your teacher said.

(Awesome. Newbies! You know what that means! More fun!)

Seven students came in and they stood in line.

"Hello. My name is Mark Yi En Tuan. I'm originally from LA. I hope we can be great friends." the kid named Mark said.

"Hello. My name is Im Jaebum or you can call me JB. Let's get along shall we!" the boy named JB said.

"The Wild and Sexy Jackson Wang is in the house! We shall be friends" the annoying one said.

"Hello, my name is Park Jinyoung or people know me as JR. I hope we can be best of friends" the kid said with such a soft voice.

"Ayo wassup man! My name is Choi Youngjae! Let's be friends" he said in broken English.

"Hi. My name is too complicated to you can just call me BamBam. I am from Thailand. Let's be great friends" he said cheerfully.

"Hi. I'm the big baby Kim Yugyeom. I'm the youngest in the group and I hope I can be friends with all of yoi" the freakishly huge kid said.

They were all assigned a seat and you did the exact spell you did to EVERY new kid in school. Which was make their shoe laces tied together so they can trip. They all fell at the sane time and everybody began laughing. You untied their laces and they got up embarrassed and walked to their seat.

"Hi. My name is JB" he said extending out his hand.

You knew that trick. It was a trick you used to play with everybody else. You covered your hand with electricity and shook their hands so they can be electrocuted. You smirked as you covered your hand with electricity and shook it. His eyes widened at the fact that you didn't get shocked.

"Hi my name is _______________" you said smirking.

"Well. I'm your new seat partner." he said and you sat down.

Before he sat down, you used a glue spell and then he sat down. You used the indivisible hand spell and kept on slapping each of the newbies.

"Are you okay?" you asked innocently.

"I'm stuck" JB said embarrassed.

You laughed at what he said. The bell rang signalling lunch. You glued all if their feet together and smirked before leaving the classroom.

GOT7's P.O.V.:

Everybody left and it was just us and the teacher.

"Are you guys not hungry?" the teacher asked.

"We are. We're just waiting for a while." JB said and the teacher left.

The door closed and the boys began struggling.

"Who the fuck!" Mark shouted.

"Mark watch your mouth!" JR shouted.

"Who did this?" Yugyeom said.

"These are fuckin new shoes!" BamBam cried.

JR used the invisible hand spell and slapped BamBam before scolding him for cursing.

"YAH!" BamBam shouted.

"Are you raising your voice to me?" JR askes.

"No" BamBam said quietly.

"We need to undo these" Jackson said.

One by one, they unglued their feet together and they had to unglue JB from his seat. They all went out for lunch and went to the cafeteria.

Your P.O.V.:

You looked up and saw the seven boys walking in.

(They finally undid the spell?)

You smirked and kept on eating. Each kid that would walj pass, you would trip them by using the weak in the knees spell. You laughed as some spilled their food and others just face planted on the floor. The newbies came and they walked towards you.

"Hi. Can we sit here?" JB asked.

"Sure" you nodded your head.

"Hello, the name is Jackson" he said and stretched out his hand.

"If you're going to shock people, don't let them see the electricity" you said with a duh tone.

"Huh? How did you know?" Jackson asked shocked.

"I've been pulling pranks on you guys" you said looking at your nails.

"Why us when we can do it to those puny little humans" Youngjae said.

"Why do you think they've been tripping?" you said with a duh tone.

"Well. I'm _______________. I am a witch and I enjoy playing with tjose wretched humans." you smiled.

"I'm JB"

"I'm Mark"

"I'm Jackson"


"Kim Yugyeom"



"And we are wizards!" they said in sync.

"It was nice meeting you guys. Say. What would you guys say if I asked if you guys wanted to join in making humans rot" you asked smiling evilly.

"If it involves humans and being hurt... We're in!" JB said and you hi fived them.

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