Ex: Yugyeom

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You were visiting your boyfriend Yugyeom, who just started his college year as a first year. You were walking down the aisle as you dragged your belongings with you. You looked around and smiled at how beautiful the college was. You went up the building that his parents told you he was in. You took the flight of stairs to the fifth floor and walked in the hallway. Looking at people running around, hearing people moan, smelling things that can't be described as it mixed in with weed. You kept looking for his name on the door. You smiled as you finally found his name. You looked at his roommates name: Im Jaebum, Jackson Wang, Park Jinyoung, Choi Youngjae, Mark Tuan, Kunpimook Bhuwakul, and then there was his name Kim Yugyeom. You smiled and knocked on the door. The door swung open and a tall guy looked down at you.

"Hello," he smiled.

"Hi. Is Kim Yugyeom here?" you asked.

"Oh. Yeah he is" he said "I'm Mark by the way"

"Hi, I'm ____________________" you smiled as you shook his hand.

You went inside the dorm and five other guys were present. They looked at you and smiled.

"Hello. My name is Park Jinyoung" one of the guys said with a soft voice "But you can call me JR."

"Hi my name is Im Jaebum. But you can call me JB" he said.

"I'm Youngjae" he said.

"The Wild and Sexy Jackson Wang is the name" the loud one said.

"My name is too hard to pronounce so you can just call me BamBam" he said.

"Hello everybody. My name is _______________________. I'm a very close friend to Yugyeom. Speaking of Yugyeom, may I go speak to him?" you asked.

"By all means" Mark said.

"His door is the one on the right, at the end of the hall" JR said and you nodded.

"Thank you so much!" you smiled and made your way to Yugyeom's door.

You smiled at yourself as you found his door.

"Yugie~" you cooed as you opened the door.

You opened the door and your smile quickly disappeared. Both of their heads turned towards your direction.

"___________________________?" Yugyeom said, his eyes wide.

"Is that your girlfriend?" the girl asked as she sat up, not caring that both of them were naked.

"Ex" you said and shut the door.

You grabbed your stuff and walked out of the dorm and went to take a plane ticket back home.

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