Birthday Boys: Mark

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- Babe. If you had a kid, what **groans** what w-would you-ahh.. What would you name the baby if it's a boy?

- If it's a boy... Probably Emerson. Why?

- **Groans**

-Are you okay babe?

- Yup. Super duper **groans**

- Are you sure? You sound... Horrible?

- Gee. Thanks for the compliment asshole!

- Haha. See you tomorrow babe.

- Yeah okay. Happy birthday baby!

You heaved a sigh.

"Can you drive any faster please?" you screamed at your best friend Joey.

"I'm trying!" he said.

"Joey fuckin Tuan! Hurry up and drive this fuckin' vehicle faster before the baby is born now!" you shouted.

"Would you like me to drive slowly?" he asked.

"Woukd you like ne to rip your throat?" you asked evilly while he stared at yoy with fear.

"Exactly, now drive this damn car!" you said.

"Jeez. How did Mark find you appealing?" he mumbled under his breath as he drove faster.

"I heard that. And remember, you're picking up Mark and his band mates tomorrow" you said.

"Okay. Anything else princess?" he asked sarcastically.

"Thank you Joey for being with me when Mark was too busy. I know I've been a little pain in the-" you started.

"A little?" he asked raising an eyebrow abd making you both laugh.

"Fine. A big pain in the ass. But I thank you fir everything" you said.

"You're welcome. Now go bring my nephew into this world" he screamed.

You went and checked in and was wheeled into a room. And that was where it all happened.

"Keep on pushing! The head is out" the doctor said.

"He got hus Daddy's head. Just a fat ass head" Papa Tuan said making everybody laugh.

"Seriously. I'm tryna push your grandbaby out!" you screamed.

"Nobody told you to stop pushing." he responded.

And ib moments later, your son was born.

"Any idra what you are going to name him?" the doctor said.

"Littke cock" Papa Tuan shouted.

"Besides that one" the doctor grinned.

"Fat head?" he asked.

"No" the doctor said.

"How about Enerson?" you asked.

"Emerson is good" they agreed.

"I liked Fat Head more better" Papa Tuan said making you glare at him.

Few hours past and you were discharged and everything. You went and coddled with your new born son Emerson.

"Hey sleepyhead. Your baby daddy is on his way here" you heard Papa Tuan say.

You woke up and saw that Emerson was asleep. You smiled and kissed his head. And then you heard his voice. The last time you heard his voice was almost a year.

"Hi baby! Hi Jaebum, BamBam, Jackson, Yugyeom, Jinyoung, Youngjae. How are you?" Mama Tuan greeted.

You heard lots of goods.

"Happy be-lated birthday son" Mama Tuan said.

"Thanks Mom" Mark said and you made your way downstairs.

The moment you saw him, you wanted to run into his arms. He looked up and his eyes met yoyrs, and he smiled that smile that you loved. You smiled too.

"Well are you jut gonna stand there and smile or run up to each other?" Papa Tuan said earning glares from you and Mark.

And that was when you ran into his arms.

"Hi baby" he said with his deep husky voice.

"Hi babe" you said, taking in his manly aroma.

"Maybe you should give him your gift for his birthday" Papa Tuan said.

"You got me something?" Mark asked.

"Well it's mire better to say it's out of nature" you said.

"I think it's more better for all seven of you to come. I got you akk a gift" you said.

"Aww thanks man!" Youngjae shouted.

You grabbed Mark by the hand and escorted them to the bedroom. You opened the door and walked in so everyone csn fit in.

"Where's our gift?" Jackson asked.

You walked to the bed and carried the child that was in a bundle of blanket.

"Everyone. Meet your nephew. Mark meet your first born son Emerson" you said.

"I thought it was something more serious" Jackson mumbled under his breath.

Jackson quickly shut his mouth since he earned a death glare from Mark. It took time for everyone to see the baby. And last but not least, it was Mark's turn. He carried Emerson with one hand.

"Hey there little guy. I'm your Dad. Mark Tuan." he said teary eyed.

He continued to talk to the baby and play with his little hand. His tears fell freely nkw and he stared at you.

"Happy birthday Mark" you said.

"Thanks baby" he said and kissed you.

"He has the same birthday as you" you said and he smiled as he held you in one arm and your son in the other.


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