Arranged Marriage (Part 2): JB

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You were walking home from work one night just pondering at the fact that everytime you see JB, your heart starts beating faster. You were asking yourself if you liked him or not. As you opened the door to your house, you were pushed in and two guys came at you.

"Hey pretty lady. Why don't we play a few rounds?" one of them said.

"Aniyo! Kojo!" you yelled as they pushed you down on the couch.

They began ripping your clothes off and you feel something enter you. You scream in pain and you kick hin and he falls back. You curl up into a tight ball, and closed your eyes. You heard people being punched and people grunting and falling. You slowly open your eyes and see JB's face inches away from you.

"____________? Are you okay? Did they hurt you? What happened?" he bombarded you with questions.

You couldn't answer because you lwpt choking on your sobs. He hugged tightly and caressed your back.

"In sorry for not being there when you needed me" he said softly while you were still crying.

He led you to the room and tells you to sleep. After a few hours and your still awake, you turn towards him.

"Why do you nake me feel this way? I always liked you from the beginning... But you never noticed me. I always done the letters to you. And yet.... I still get hurt" you said as you began crying.

You got up to go sleep on the couch. As you got to the door, you were nack hugged.

"I like you too..." he finally said "And I have noticed you because I kept putting the letters in your locker. I was just acting like this because I thought you never liked them"

"I love them" you said "But what about those girls you bring over at night?"

"Seulgi, Jennie, and Yuna?" he asked and you nodded "They are my older siblings. I bring them over... Or they force me to bring them over because they are trying to tell me to actually have a relationship with you"

"Do you want to have a relationship with me?" you asked.

"If course I do" he smiled his eye smile.

"Okay, lets do this" you said.

"Well... Lets start off by playing patty cake in bed" he wiggled his eyebrows "Because doing it by myself is no fun"

"YAH! BYUNGTAE! KOJO! PALI KOJO!" you shouted as you tried running from him, only to be thrown on the bed.

"I see you like it rough" you smirm.

"You know it!" he smirked and you continued being the mcnasty you guys are.

The patty cake thing... It was part of an article. A fan accused JB if saying sexual jokes to her. JB got a lot of hate. But she was later oriven wrong because she said that this member was right by JB when it was another member.

Anyways, it's been so long. How ya been? I hope ya is doing good. Thank you guys for always reading these. You guys are awesome.

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