Will You Be Mine (Requested): Mark

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"You have to find the value of y by substituting in the value of x into the variable of x. And then you get your coordinates. So if you have x=2 and the problem is 3x+y=9. You substitute the value of x, which is 2, and do the math. You get that y is 3. So the whole answer is (2,3)." your teacher explained.

"But can't you find y first and then find x?" a classmate asked.

"Yes you can" your teacher answered and then the door opened.

Everybody looked at the direction of the door as the person did not come in.

"May I help you ma'am?" your teacher asked.

"Ummm. Yes." you heard the voice.

"What is it?" your teacher asked as she burned holes into the person's head.

"Can I borrow ________________________ please?" the voice asked and their head popped in, revealing your friend Lani.

"Girl no" you said.

"It's an emergency!" she said dramatically.

"Okay. _____________________, please finish those problems by next class and just a heads up, you may or may not have a quiz next class" your teacher smiled as you walked out with all your stuff.

As you exited the door, your friend pulled your arm.

"Come on!" she shouted.

"YAH! What is happening?" you asked as you were being rushed by her.

"HURRY UP!" she shouted as she pulled your arm like you were a rag doll.

You guys entered a secluded area and that was when she asked: "Are you going to the Valentine's Day Dance?"

"Yeah, but I don't have someone to go with," you said.

"Than ask Mark" she said.

"He doesn't like me like how I like him" you said as you hung your head down low.

"Well you can go back to class" she smiled cheerfully.

"Seriously. You wasted my precious time and energy just to be asked if I was going to the dance" you laughed.

"Pretty much" she said and skipped her way to where ever.

The next day came and you were in your English class. You guys were learning about the classic: "Romeo and Juliet" and how they were lovers. The door opened and everybody stopped what they were doing.

"Is there something wrong?" the teacher asked.

There was no response but the teacher went outside of the classroom to consult with them. You decided to continue doing your work when you heard everybody gasp. Your head jerked up and saw the one and only Mark Tuan, your childhood friend. He had a big smile on his face. And he walked to you. You saw that the JB and them came as well as Lani. Mark came and pulled up a chair and sat down across from you as he held a ukulele. He strummed it and smiled as he began to play. And that was when he began to sing Finn Gruva's "Overwhelmed".

Lani was the one to harmonize with Mark as he sang. Tears welled up in your eyes. You couldn't take it anymore, you began crying. He finished the song and JB came and gave him a bouquet of roses. Mark than turned to you and gave it to you smiling. The other boys held up poster paper that had their own words.

Jackson had a big B
JR had a big A
Youngjae and BamBam had L
And Yugyeom had ?

You looked at Mark as he was on one knee.

"_________________? Will you do me the favor and go with me to the Valentine's Day Ball?" he asked.

You nodded your head and wrapped your arms around his neck. Everybody was cheering in your class.

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