Cuddle: JR (Requested)

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You are known as Taeyeon.

You were walking down the hall and into the school courtyard. You walked out of the school premises looking for your boyfriend JR. You didn't see him so you walked to the house you and him shared.

"BOO!" he screamed as he jumped in front of you.

You screamed quite loud. But you also reacted in a way that your fist hit him square in the face, making his head jerk back.

"Omo," he said as he rubbed his face "Yah Taeyeon-ah. Are you crazy?"

"It's not my fault you scared me!" you shouted and began walking again.

"Look now I got a bruise forming on my beautiful face!" he whined.

"And?" you asked as you kept on walking.

"You have to cuddle with me to make me feel better because you punched me in the face!" he pouted.

"The fuck no!" you said.

"But look... I got a booboo!" he said pointing at his face.

You guys arrived at the house and you threw your bag on the floor.

"Taeyeon-ah! You have to cuddle with me because you gave me an ouchy!" he pouted.

"Andwae!" you said.

"Fine then! Hmph!" he pouted as he crossed his arms over his chest while walking to the room.

You chuckled at his chuldishness so you went to the bedroom. You opened the door to see his back facing towards you.

"Jagi, kaja?" you said smiling.

"Ani," he said quickly.

"Oh okay. I guess I don't need to cuddle with you" you said smirking as you got off the bed.

"ANI!" he screamed a high pitch scream and grabbed your arm "Let's cuddle"

"Geurae," you said pecking his face where you hit him "All better?"

"Ne," he said like a little kid while he smiled widely.

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