Him Or Him: Yugyeom and Youngjae

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It was another boring day at school. The time ticked by slower than a turtle's pace, so lunch didn't really come soon. You looked to your right and saw Youngjae paying attention... To his phone... And then you turned to Yugyeom and saw that he was paying close attention to the non-existing things he tried to hit in the air as he was sleeping.

"Youngjae... Look at Yugie!" you said and he looked and you guys began laughing as he flinched here and there.

"NO!" he shouted and rose from his seat.

You and Youngjae looked at each other and began laughing as you saw that he was embarrassed.

"Is something wrong Mr. Kim?" Mr. Park asked.

"Ummmm... Yes... I-I got the answer wrong and I did it because it was a very stupid mistake," Yugyeom said embarrassed.

"Okay" Mr. Park said as he continued to teach.

"AISH!" Yugyeom said as he sat down quickly.

"Are you okay?" you asked trying to stifle your laugh.

"Yeah..." he said scratching the back of his head.

"What were you dreaming about?" Youngjae asked.

Yugyeom's cheeks became a tint of pink when Youngjae asked.

"Nothing," he said quickly and looked in front.

The bell rang signalling lunch, and you guys walked to the cafeteria.

Yugyeom's P.O.V.:

"Yugyeom guess what?" Youngjae asked.

"What" I asked.

"I am planning to ask out _______________" he said and began laughing like a evil maniac.

"NO!" I screamed and rose out of my seat.

I looked around and saw that everybody was laughing at me. I looked at ____________________ and saw that she was laughing her ass off with her cute laugh. And Youngjae smiling at me.

"Is there something wrong Mr. Kim?" the teacher asked me.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to say that: I fell asleep and had a dream about my friend saying that he will ask out my crush. So, I looked back at ______________ and Youngjae and saw that they were still laughing.

"Ummmm... Yes... I-I got the answer wrong and I did it because it was a very stupid mistake," I said embarrassing and I quickly sat down.

Your P.O.V.:

Well, we were eating with everybody, and I had to relay what had happened in class today to JB and them. They all laughed at him and it made him shrink and pout. You couldn't help but find it cute. But you found Youngjae. Well, to be honest, I have feelings for botj

"_____________________, can I talk to you?" Youngjae asked and I blushed while nodding my head.

I got up and left with him. Shit... Is it about to happen. Will he ask me out? All these things were circulating my mind. Shit... I even noticed that he held my hand

Yugyeom's P.O.V.:

"Awww," Jackson said.

"What?" I asked confused on where that random aww came from.

"A new couple might bloom," he said and I was lost.

"What do you mean?" I asked tilting my head.

"Do you not see it?" Mark asked.

"See what?" I asked.

"Youngjae will be asking out ________________," JR squealed with joy like the mother he is.

After hearing that, I ran to go find the two of them.

(No. No. No no no no no no no no no!)

(You better run my nigga! Run like your life depends on it!)

(It does depend on it!)

Your P.O.V.:

We came to the garden and he stood there just looking at you in the eyes.

"____________________, I've liked you for the longest time. You make my day and you make me whole. Will you be my girl friend?" he asked and you smiled.

"Youngjae, I-" I started.

"No! Don't ________________!" somebody screamed and you turned around to see Yugyeom.

"What?" you asked.

"Don't say yes to him," he said while walking up to you, grabbing your hands into his big ones.

"Why?" you asked confused.

"B-Because I like you too," he said and you eyes widened at what he says.

"W-What?" you asked shocked.

"I have liked you since forever," he confessed sheepily.

You looked at Youngjae and he had a hint of anger in his eyes.

"Sorry, but I already asked ________________ if she wanted to go out with me," Youngjae said as he yanked you from Yugyeom's grip.

"Let her decide!" Yugyeom shouted as he grabbed your other arm and yanked you towards him.

They were yelling and tugging you to and fro from them like you was a rag doll.

"Let her decide!" Yugyeom shouted through gritted teeth.

"No!" Youngjae said pulling you to his side.

"Why? Afraid that she'll choose me over you?" Yugyeom smirked.

"No. It's because I've asked her first." Youngjae said.

"Let her choose! If she chooses me, you'll have to stay away from her. If she chooses you, I have to stay away from her" Yugyeom said.

"Fine," Youngjae said as he let you go and you went into the middle.

"I don't know what to do" you said on the verge of tears.

"Choose one of us," they both shouted and it made you jump.

"I can't" you said as the tears fell now.

"Choose one or the other." the pushed you

"I-I choose. . ."

Who would you choose if you were in this situation?

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