Betrayal: Jackson (Requested)

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You are known as Alana.

After you abd Jackson had gotten married and lived somewhat happily every after, you tried searching for a job since you felt sorry for Jackson. Since he was the only on working from early in the morning to late at night. You guys would get into constant arguments over little things. Like right now.

"But yeobeo, I need a job to help you oay for bills" you said a bit frustrated since your husband was having a difficult time trying to comprehend what your reasoning was to work.

"How many times do we have to go over this. I can't allow you to work. You will be tired and who will be home? What if you become too unhealthy at such a young age?" he protested.

"I should be asking you that. You're the one who doesn't even sleep most of the night. You come home late from work and shower and than you leave again" you shouted.

"Well I am one of the top workers. I have to work lots of hours!" he said.

"Well let me help. To lighten up the load!" you shouted.

"For fuck sakes, no!" Jackson screamed as he threw his wine glass at the wall.

"Why are you so stubborn?" you shouted.

"Why are you so persistent in working? Is there another guy" he asked.

"I would never cheat on you! I love and care for you so that's why I'm asking to work" you said.

Jackson took several deep breaths to calm down and looked at you.

"Babe. I' sorry but part of the reason why I don't want you working is because you're too beautiful Alana but I want you to be the healthy woman I love whenever I come home from I tiring day ay work. Yeah it may be tiring but trust and believe Alana, the moment I see you, my energy boosts up" he said walking to you "Please understand where I'm coming from. I understand that you're worried about me, but I'd rather have you work at home and cook and clean than work your butt off for money that we already have"

"Fine" you said as you gave in "Just try to come home as soon as possible"

"I will babe. It's just that BamBam never finishes his tasks on time so I help him out" he said.

"Well tell him to stop watching Yugyeom if he wants to get his work done" you said as you fixed your husband's tie.

"I'm not gonna tell him. The last time I was a messenger for you, scissors were thrown at me" he pouted.

"Anyways, get to work. You're gonna be late if you stay here" you said capturing hus lips.

He grabbed his brief case and walked to the door, turning around to look at you and winked at you while biting his lip, and then he walked out.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. And those months, you've noticed that you and Jackson's relationship has been going down hill... VERY FAST. He would only say hi when he comes, if you're even up, he always comes home latw, more and more arguments are more frequent. He would even put his hands on you. But you still loved him and in order for you to try and rebuild your relationship with your husband, you made a nice meal. You kit candles and played some soft music in the background. The moment he arrived he came into the kitchen.

"What's all this?" he asked.

"Nothing. I just miss having a meal with you" you answered as you undid his tie and grabbed all of his things such as his jacket and brief case.

You went and saw him standing, so you lead him to the chair.

"Alana baby, it's weird if I don't pull out the chair for you" he said as you sat him down.

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