Father-In-Law: Mark (Requested)

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You posted the picture of Mark sleeping on the bed that you guys shared. Smiling to yourself.

You captioned it: WWYD? Draw on his face? Kick him off the bed? Dye his hair? Any suggestions?

Fan 1: Don't do that? He's sleeping.

Fan 2: Why are you so mean! 🙅

Ele: Oh piss off. Let the girl live! YOLO bwoo!

Mr. Tuan: Do ALL off the above! Do it!

You sat there because this is a rare occasion for Mr. Tuan to comment on any of your social media and what not. He never once contacted you, but only that one time. And you were scared because of what he had written. The first time he wrote to you, it wasn't an expected welcoming like you thought it would be. Instead, it was more of a threat? Warning? You didn't know what to describe it because you were just so shocked that it came from him.

Mr. Tuan: Hello ___________________. This is Raymond Tuan. Mark Tuan's father. I would like to say congrats on your relationship with my son. BUT... I don't think you are the right person... Prove to me that you are worthy of being in a relationship with Mark or you can say good bye to him.

You smiled and began replying to the fans, Ele, and Mr. Tuan.

Fan 3: Do it!

Fan 4: Don't do it!

Ele: You should do what Mr. Tuan said!

Mr. Tuan: DO IT!

You: I don't want to do it because I will feel bad.

Ele: Which gives you more of a reason to do it! LOL

You: You are such a nice person. LMFAO!

Ele: I get that A LOT. 💅

Mr. Tuan: I say you should draw a dick on his mouth. Take a picture. Post it on his Instagram, which will automatically be posted on his Twitter. And then fuck up his face with make up. Maybe shave off one of his eye brows... And then put whip cream on his hand and then tickle his face with a feather... And when he slaps himself... KICK HIM OFF!

Ele: Hmmmm... I likes that one!

Fan 5: What kind of a father are you?

Mr. Tuan: A loving father... What kind of fan are you... An annoying fan that my son doesn't know exist.

Fan 6: You can't be so mean! You are old! Old people are supposed to be nice!

Mr. Tuan: I'm not that old dear. Not as old as your Dad... Oh wait... You don't got one.


You: That does sound like something I can do. But I don't know his passcode for his phone.

Mr. Tuan: Easy... It's your initials for your first and last name and than his MT for his initials, and then 4EVA! ALL CAPS!

Ele: LMFAO! Oh hell nah!

Mr. Tuan: Whaaaaatt? LOL

Tammy: Dad... You is something else! LOL

Ele: Hi Tammy!

Tammy: Hi Ele! Hi __________________. I agree with Dad... Draw a big ass dick on both of his cheeks and with some vaseline or some white substance. Place the white jelly substance on the tip of the dicks and his mouth! LOL

OMG! Hi Tammy... But you too!

Tammy: Oh yeah... Dad... Remember he changed his password to MARKTUAN&_____(FIRST NAME)_____Tuan4EVA!

You: Awwww! That's so cute.


Ele: Ummm... Gotta go! Bye! 😂😝

Mark: I'm dealing with you later Ele!

Ele: 😨😲😱

Tammy: Bye Dad. Bye _______________. Bye Ele.

Mark: Dad! Are you serious?!

Mr. Tuan: What did I do wrong? 😁😀😂

Mark: Jeez... I wonder what...

Mr. Tuan: ____________________. Do you wanna know what Mark said to me?

Mark: Dad! You better not!

You: Oooohh.. I would LOVE to know!

Ele: Is it what I think it is... What you told me about?

Mr. Tuan: YAS!


You: What did Mark say?

Mark: BABE!

Mr. Tuan: He said....

Mark: Dad! Don't say it!

Ele: SAY IT!

You: Oh... Do tell!

Mark: BABE!

Mr. Tuan: He said that he never fell in love with anyone this hard before. He said that he wants to marry you and have children with you. He said that he can't live without you. He said that whenever you're in the shower, he feels empty... Even when you're just in the bathroom. He needs you right by him. He said that he doesn't know if he can live without you....

Ele: Don't forget the part where he said that he hopes that he can wake up to see your beautiful face every single morning. Cuddle with you until you wake up and ask if you slept well... LOL


Ele: My cue to leave...

Mr. Tuan: Same....

You sat there re-reading what Mark's father had just wrote to you. You couldn't help but smile. You got up  from the couch and walked to the bedroom, only to witness Mark pulling his hair while groaning in frustration. You walked to him and sat where his head was, petting his hair.

"Were you serious on what your Dad and Ele said?" you asked and he nodded while his face was covered with his hands.

"I was serious about everything" he said as he looked at you.

"Well, I would love to do those with you" you said.

"Then why don't we start right now. Today?" Mark asked.

"Okay" you said without thinking what he meant.

Mark got up and bent down on one knee in front of you. Your eyes widened and it finally clicked. He pulled out a black box from his pocket and smiled.

"_________________________? Will you do me the honor and making me the happiest man in the world by becoming my wife and being Mrs. Tuan?" he asked smiling at you.

"Y-Yes" you said asa tears slid down your face and then you guys kissed.


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