I Don't Want To Be Friends No More: Mark

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You and Mark were best of friends. You guys were close since diaper days and what not. You and him were close to the point that you guys could be mistaken as siblings. Well, it was a Saturday night and the whole senior class was invited to a party. You and Mark and went. You walked into the door and found you and Mark's group of friends together.

"Hey _______________________!" your friend Suzy shouted her words as they slurred here and there.

"You fuckin' light weight" you chuckled as your friend was tripping over nothing as she tried to make her way to you.

Mark walked past you and the smell of his cologne entered your nose. Your legs began to become weak as they began to shake.

"Hey ______________________. Did you tell him that you like him yet?" she asked

You slapped your hand over her mouth and glared at her.

"I gueff fat fa ngo" she said as your hand was on her mouth (I guess that's a no)

You glared at her and walked your way to the two group of friends

"Hi guys" you smiled and they all looked at you.

"Damn _________________________. You look mighty fine" a voice said behind you.

You turned around and looked and saw that it was one of the heart throbs, Jin. He smiled at you as he bit his lip.

"Thanks Jin. You don't look too bad yourself" you smiled and then turned around to see Mark gulping down a cup after cup.

"He drinks?" you asked yourself.

"Hey. ______________________, can I talk to you please?" Jin asked.

"Sure. We're talking right now" you said.

"In private please" he pouted and you nodded your head.

"I'll be back" you said as you went and followed Jin.

You were led to a bedroom and Jin closed the door behind you and sat on the bed while you stood there.

"Please sit" he said and you did.

There was an awkward silent, so Jin cleared his throat.

"Ummmm." he said.

"Is Jin, the finest man in BeastBay High nervous at a girl?" you mocked.

"Kind of" he chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Why?" you asked.

"________________... I like you" Jin said and your eyes widened.

"You what?" you asked.

"I like you" he repeated.

"Me?" you askeed

"Do you feel the same way?" he asked.

"I'm sorry Jin. But I like someone else," you said as you patted his shoulder.

His face darkened and his eye began to twitch.

"You don't like me?" he asked in a low tone.

"No. I'm sorry" you said as you got up from the bed.

You felt your wrist being grabbed and your body was yanked. You landed on the bed and in a flash, Jin was on top of you.

"Nobody ever denies me!" he shouted and began to kiss you with such force.

"J-Jin please!" you said as you tried to push him off.

"You don't like me? All the girls would like to be in your place. All of the girls want me to have a crush on them, but I can't because I have eyes only for you" he said.

"GET OFF OF ME!" you shouted.

"Shut it!" he said as he slapped you.

"MARK!" you shouted.

"That little fucker won't save you" Jin said.

You closed your eyes and saw that Jin was on the floor with Mark on top of him. He got up and looked at you, his eyes full of anger as he glared at Jin, but the moment he laid eyes on you, his eyes softened.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he rushed to you.

"Can we leave" you asked and he nodded.

He carried you down and went into the livingroom.

"We are leaving" Mark said.

"Why what happpened?" Jackson asked.

"Jin tried to force himself on her" Mark said and they all looked angry.

Mark drove you home. He carried you as you to the door and unlocked it. You were put on the bed.

"I'll be in the livingroom if you need anything" he said and you nodded.

It's been thirty minutes and you went down stairs to get a glass of water. You walked past the livingroom only to find Mark sleep on the couch. You smiled as you saw how cute he was with CoCo by his side.

"If only you knew how much I love you so much. That is part of the reason why Jin was mad at me. He tried asking me out but I said that I didn't like him like that because I like you. I love you Mark" you said as you smiled.

If only he could have heard you was all you thought about when you turned around and went to go get a cup of water. You were drinking when you felt a pair of long arms, wrap around your waist. You jumped and froze there as you felt a chin land on your shoulder. You relaxed as you smelled the familiar cologne.

"Mark?" you asked.

"Hmmm?" he hummed in response.

"What are you doing?" you asked still shocked at his action.

"I think we shouldn't be friends anymore" he said and you froze.

"W-What?" you asked as tears built in your eyes.

"We shouldn't be friends" he said emotionless.

"O-Okay," you said as you sniffled.

"Are you crying?" he asked as he turned you around and saw that your face with tears falling down.

You wiped your eyes.

"What happened?" he asked panicking.

"You don't want to be my friend anymore. I don't know what I did. Please don't leave me" you cried and all he did was smile.

"The reason why I don't want to be your friend is because I heard you. I loved you too" he said and you froze.

"You love me?' you asked.

"Always have" he smiled "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes" you said as you smashed your lips together.

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