Unconscious Confession: Jackson (Requested)

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You and your beat frienda, who so happened to be GOT7 themselves, were going to England. JYP wanted you guys to fly first class, so he paid for 8 first class tickets. There were the columns and four rows of seat. You were in the middle column, and on your left was Mark and on the right was none other than Jackson Wang himself. In front of you was JB and Youngjae while Jinyoung took the left and BamBam tool the right side of them. Yugyeom was in the front of everybody.


The flight attendant did their normal routine and then it was deuces to South Korea and hello England. You were reading when you heard his husky voice hum to their new song HARR CARRY. You smiled while you closed your eyes as you just let his humming take over you. It was soothing or relaxing. To the point that you fell asleep.

"___________ thw plane is about to crash!" BamBam shouted and you woke up and panicked, only for him to laugh.

"It's not funny Bammie." you pouted.

"It is" he laughed.

"It's nit funny because what if something happens to you or one of us? Or even ___________?" Jackson scolded the younger one.

"I'm sorry for scaring you like that" he said as he hung hia head low.

"It's okay Bammie" you said and hit him with a pillow.

You guys had a pillow fight. You were chasing him that everything happened so fast. At first you noticed that you qere chasing Bammie with a pillow to everything going from bright to dark and people screaming.

Jackson's P.O.V.:

We were having a pillow fight when the plane just crashed onto the ground. Without any warning or anything. I opened my eyes and looked around and saw that people were carrying me and that the others were being treated for their wounds. Everybody had minor injuries.

"Mark are you okay?" JB asked.

"Yeah" he responded.

"Jackson? Youngjae?" JB checked.

"I'm good" we both said.

"BamBam and Yugyeom?" he shouted.

"Yugyeom is crying but I'm okay" BamBam shouted and JB went to go watch over the younger.

"Where's Jinyoung?" JB finally notcied.

"He's being treated but he's okay. Just scratches" Mark said.

"______________?" JB shouted.

But nobody responded. Just pure silent.

"______________?" JB repeated.

But still, nobody answered.

I got up and looked around. The plane was in pieces, and so I looked for the front of the plane and ran for it, ignoring the others calling for me to comeback.

"____________!" I shouted as I made it to where we were sitting at "____________!"

Nothing was said.

Your P.O.V.:

I laid there as I tried to move but when I mived, I was in excruciating pain. So I lied there.

"____________!" I heard my name being yelled out from the plane.

You than noticed that the voice belonged to none other than Jackson himself. You were fighting to keep yourself conscious.

"______________!" he shouted again.

"Right here" you cried and he came and picked you up.

"I got you baby girl" he said as he carried you out of the plane.

And with out thinking, the phrase that you feared to say to him slipped out... "I love you Jackson"

And then everything just went black.

Jackson's P.O.V.:

I smiled at the thing that she just said to me. I couldn't wven hold in my happiness, so I just kissed her... Even though she was unconscious. She was taken to the hospital and was treated for her wounds. They were bad, but it wasn't that bad to the point that she was going to be in critical condition.

Your P.O.V.:

You opened your eyes, but immediately closed them as the bright light hit. You groaned and somebody cane and rushed to your side.

"Are you okay?" his voice asked and you knew that it had to be Jackson.

"Yeah" you said and the moment you looked at him, your confession flooded back to your memory and you groaned in embarrassment, making him chuckle.

"What happened?" he asked.

"I-I" you said.

"You love me?" he said in a teasing manner and you groaned again.

It was silent.

"Well I like you too. And when you get discharged, you're gonna be going on a date with me" he said.

"W-What?" you asked

"I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend, if we have mutual feelings, than there's no point in asking you to be my girk" he said and pecked your lips making you blush.

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