You Weren't There: JB

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You were with your older brother and his group. You were JB's younger sibling. You accompanied them to the mall. You guys walked for some time. But stopped because a female called your brother's name. You guys turned around.

"Jagi!" JB said as he ran to her.

"Oppa. I miss you" she said and hugged him.

"I missed you too" he said and continued walking.

"JB. Can you wait for me. I'll be back real quick. Please" you askef and he nodded.

"Yeah" he nodded and stood there.

You went into the store to buy some candy. You walked out and saw nobody. You called him.

- Hello

-Where are you?

- Food court

- I'm on my way

He hung up and you began walking there. You turned the corner but someone covered your mouth and you blacked out. You woke up and noticed that you were being carried on someone's back.

"If you try to scream... You will not see the next day" he said and continued walking.

You kept your mouth shut. You guys approached a car. He opened the door. He threw you in and he got on top of you. You kneed him in the stomach. He dropped himself next to you and you ran all the way to the dorm. Tears streamed down your face as you continued to run. You began walking. You entered the doorway of the dorm. You saw that everybody was there waiting for you.


"Excuse me!" you cried.

"_______________? Are you okay?" BamBam asked.

"No I am not!" you cried harder.

"Hello! Where the hell were you? Why did you leave?" he shouted.

"I left because I was scared!" you shouted "Because you weren't there!"

"Scared of what?" he shouted "And how does me not being there have to do anything?"

"You weren't there to protect me! You weren't there when these random guys kidnapped me. You weren't there when he put me in his car and made himself on top of me, about to rape me! You weren't there when I needed you the most" you cried.

"_____________... I-I.... Please... I am so sorry. Please forgive me? Please. I promise from this forward I'll look after you. I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me the most. I really am sorry." JB continued "I'll be there when you need me the most"

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