I'll Fight For You: Mark

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You were roaming around your kingdom, pondering on what your father had told you. He said that he felt that his time as ruler was coming to an end. So you would have to rule the kingdom. But in order to do that, you would have to have an arranger matriage with on of the two top royal families.

There was the Bhuwakul clan and their son BamBam. His ability was kind of unique. He had the ability to make his victim feel pain. His families were close to your family... But just by selling humans. His vampire years weren't that large to you and the other option.

The Tuans... Mark Yi En Tuan. Every girl's dream man. He was fine, strong, smart, fast, anything. You describe it, he'll be that.

(I wonder if he's a master in bed?!)

(You McNasty ass! Stop being so nasty and be the vampire princess you are!)

(Ne author-nim ** pouts **)

Mark was also the heir to the throne as well. His ability was quite impressive and maybe even the strongest you have ever encountered. You cam consider him as a shield but in an offensive way as well. His ability is that he can sense others ability and manipulate it. He can make it change directions or he can just make it dissolve. He can also make you powerless for a short amount of time. Enough time to end you. He is the second youngest and his father is also known as your dad's best man. They go way back to diapers days... Which was millions of tears ago.

Well, you had a tough decision because you had a meet up with both of the families and you had to choose.

"_____________ your majesty. Your father has summoned you" your friend who is also your maid said.

"Is it that time Marina?" you asked scared as you stared into her red orbs.

She nodded in response. You sighed and walked to your father. You went and saw that two groups were growling at each other.

"_____________. Come meet out guest." your dad said with a smile.

You went to the Bhuwakul clan and welcomed them.

"You're even prettier in person! Can I bite you?" the kid named BamBam asked.

- 1 for Bhuwakul clan!

You then went to the Tuan clan and welcomed them. And all Mark did was smile at you.l when you said hi.

"Excuse him ____________. It takes time for him to adjust to new people" his mother said.

"As do I your highness" you said and bowed to her.

"Oh no sweety. You don't have to be so formal. After all, you might choose Mark anyways." she said and earned a few snarls from the other clan.

"Well... Lets get this feast on the run! Marina!" your mother called.

"Yes your highness!" she said as she zommed into view.

"Please take these lovely guest to the dinig room. I'm hoping that the food is well and prepared?" you dad said.

"If course sire. You know me. When it's _____________. It has to be perfect!" she smiled.

And she's right! Whenever it's my birthday party, she is the grumpiest on that day. If something isn't done the way she wants it... She'll find the person. Ask them why didn't they do it right. And when they are about to answer, she'll rip their heads off and throw into the fire and watch it burn. And then she'll smile at you like Its nothing and skip along.

"Mark and BamBam. Please stay so my daughter can give you guys a tour" you mom said.

(Fuck! Why does she do this!?)

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