Bullied: GOT7

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mark_tuan626 created a group chat.

mark_tuan626 added fanservking_bam2x, jackson_gaga, momma_jinpark, coco's_daddy, giantmaknae_yugie, im_daddyjaebum, and thee_kpopper97.

thee_kpopper97- Please... Not now.

mark_tuan626- What's wrong?

thee_kpopper97- Nothing... I'm trying to study...

jackson_gaga- Are you okay?

thee_kpopper97- Please stop...

im_daddyjaebum- Ele? What's wrong?

thee_kpopper97- Nothing's wrong. 😊

thee_kpopper97 left the conversation.

im_daddyjaebum- Something is bothering him.

mark_tuan626 added thee_kpopper97 to the chat.

thee_kpopper97- Mark please. I'm not in the mood.

mark_tuan626- Yah! Are you okay.

thee_kpopper97- I'm always okay.

im_daddyjaebum- You're making us all worry!

thee_kpopper97- Don't be you guys.

thee_kpopper97 left the conversation

coco's_daddy- Every body look at his SNS. He might have put it there.

momma_jinpark- You know... That's not a bad idea.

im_daddyjaebum- Since I don't have any SNS anymore, you guys do it. Divide it up.

mark_tuan626- Okay. Me and JR got Twitter. Yugyeom and BamBam got Facebook. Jackson and Youngjae got Instagram.

jackson_gaga- Does anybody know what's Ele's instagram username?

fanservking_bam2x- Ummmm....

im_daddyjaebum- It's ele_lesui97

mark_tuan626- How do you know that?! 👿😡👿😡

im_daddyjaebum- I am one of his biases... 😎😏😎😏

giantmaknae_yugie- Can we not! Like seriously! Something is bothering Ele and you guys are going at it again! What the fuck is wrong with you.

jackson_gaga- His insta is private...

giantmaknae_yugie- There's nothing on facebook on his wall.

fanservking_bam2x- Yeah. What Yugyeom said. There's nothing.

im_daddyjaebum- There has to be something.

momma_jinpark- Ele's twitter is?

mark_tuan626- thee_kpopper97

momma_jinpark- Oh.

jackson_gaga- Well I haven't found anything on insta.

coco's_daddy- Same. I couldn't get through since his account is private...

momma_jinpark- I don't know what I'm supposed to look for...

mark_tuan626- I'll check his snap.

momma_jinpark- What's his snap?

mark_tuan626- That information is highly confidential... But there isn't anything...

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