I Love You: Yugyeom

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"When we get home, I'm going to cut myself!" you stated.

"Can you not" Yugyeom your boyfriend said.

"No, to make it less painful, I'll just overdose!" you said.

"YAH! HAJIMA!" Yugyeom shouted making you flinch "My parents loved you."

"Yeah. And my parents love you too... If only they met you" you said sarcastically.

"What is wrong with you?" he shouted as he continued to drive.

"Your parents had a look of disappointment when they seen me" you said.

"How do you know that?" he asked clenching the steering wheel quite hard.

"Because your mom's smile disappeared when she saw this freakishly huge ass Samoan girl, who has a tribal tatoo, and oh. Don't forget that I have bigger calves than you do! And my hair is wild" you said on the verge of tears "I am just questioning how lucky I am to be apart of a perfect person's life. You have a good education, you don't have a record, you have a good job, you spend time with your family. You have the perfect life. But me... I didn't even get to finish high school, I don't even have a job, I have a record on me, and I have issues with my family! How can a person with so much flaws be with a person who is so flawless?"

"And that's the thing" he said immediately.

"What?" you asked.

"Your flaws are what attracted to me. Yes I know that you are insecure about your body, but your body was the thing that got my attention that night I almost ran you over when you first moved to Korea. That night, I immediately fell in love with you. I don't care what other people think. I want to do what I want to do" he said looking at you as he still drove.

"I love you oppa," you cried.

"I love you too jagi," he said.

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